Spring 2016
In 2015/16 all children in primary schools expected to follow new National Curriculum published in Our current Year 2 pupils have followed this for the 2 years they have been in KS1. KS1 (year 2) SATS will reflect the new curriculum from this year.
Old National Curriculum levels abolished as they did not correlate with the more challenging curriculum expectations. At the end of Year 2, pupils are judged to be within 1 of the following standards for Reading, Writing and Mathematics WORKING TOWARDS (EMERGING) the ‘Nationally Expected Standard’ for a pupil at the end of Year 2 WORKING AT the ‘Nationally Expected Standard’ for a pupil at the end of Year 2 WORKING AT GREATER DEPTH (EXCEEDING) within the ‘Nationally Expected Standard’ for a pupil at the end of Year 2 Children not meeting the WORKING TOWARDS (EMERGING) ‘Nationally Expected Standard’ category for a pupil at the end of Year 2 RAW SCORE SCALED SCORE /100 ATTAINMENT OF NATIONAL STANDARD
READINGWRITING MATHS SCIENCE Teacher assessment using Interim Framework/End of Year Expectations Teacher assessment using Interim Framework/End of Year Expectations Teacher assessment using Interim Framework/End of Year Expectations Teacher assessment using Interim Framework/End of Year Expectations Schools are expected to be involved in cross-school moderation to ensure standards are accurate. Many schools will also be externally moderated by the LA but will not be notified of this until June. Teachers must have evidence that a pupil is consistently working at a particular standard.
READINGSPaG TEST 1 – combined reading prompt and answer booklet TEST 2 – more challenging separate reading booklet and reading answer booklet All Children sit BOTH tests TEST 1 - Spelling TEST 2 – English, Punctuation, Spelling & Grammar Maths TEST 1 - Arithmetic TEST 2 - Reasoning In 2016 the tests will be marked internally by teachers and, in some cases, the results moderated by Local Authorities.
SAMPLE READING TEST QUESTIONS Children will be asked to tick correct answers, they will be expected to find and retrieve facts and sometimes explain their answers. Reading Test 1 has combined text, questions and answers.
Reading Test 2 will have a more challenging separate reading booklet and reading answer booklet (fiction & non-fiction). Tests reading fluency, accuracy and comprehension/inference skills.
NEW SPaG TEST 2016 Emphasis is placed on the technical aspects of grammar and there is a separate spelling test. There are no pictures in the SPaG test papers. Children will be asked to tick correct answers and will be expected to understand how to use tables.
English Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar They will also be asked to circle, insert and write correct answers.
What is the ‘Expected Standard’ in writing? Children are expected to be able to write using a range of different genres. The DfE have issued some guidance for schools. However, the Exemplification materials are new and are not exhaustive. It is believed that further guidance will be issued for schools before May.
SAMPLE MATHS TEST QUESTIONS - ARITHMETIC No equipment or access to visual displays
SAMPLE MATHS TEST QUESTIONS - REASONING Some questions are read by the teacher. Look at the picture of Sam and Ben in question 5. Sam’s arm is fifty centimetres long. Ben’s arm is forty centimetres long. How much longer is Sam’s arm than Ben’s arm? Write your answer in the box.
PREPARATION: Sample papers Focus throughout year on national expectations – planning, teaching, assessment Involvement with cross-school and LA moderation meetings Emphasis on daily basic skills in Maths & English additional to separate lessons – mental calculation written methods reading skills SPaG lessons ORGANISATION: Small groups with 2 members of staff present Informal yet adhering to government guidelines from DfE No mention of word ‘test’ – referenced as a quiz to support teachers in knowing how to help learning Staggered time scale throughout May and early June Time allocations from government are suggestions - timetabled to ensure capacity for breaks and longer time to complete where appropriate
parents evening next week curriculum-assessments-2016-sample-materials First and foremost, please do not use the word ‘tests’ or refer to SATS unless initiated by your child. Ensure your child has the best possible attendance and punctuality at school. Support your child with any homework tasks and targets following from parents evening discussions (next week). Support your child with reading, spelling and mental arithmetic (e.g. times tables). Talk to your child about his/her learning in school. Make sure your child has plenty of sleep, outdoor exercise and a healthy diet.