Reproduction and Development Domain
UCL SLMS- Domains Why are they needed? Alignment and presentation of the Schools strengths: Research Partnerships Knowledge transfer Education
Reproduction and Development Domain Encompasses: ‘the life course’ At both the basic science and clinical translational levels fertilisation, implantation, embryogenesis, developmental biology of birth defects and pregnancy complications fetal and neonatal development and maternal-fetal interactions national and global child and adolescent health population studies maternal reproductive health including gynaecological cancers
Reproduction and Development Domain Steering Committee: Gudrun Moore & Neil Marlow (Co-chairs) Members: John Achermann & Neil Sebire (ICH) Donald Peebles & Anna David (IMFH) Paola Oliveri & Steve Wilson (LS) Research admin support: Claire Glen Meet every 3 months: Agenda: Website; Members update: Workshops 2/annum; RepDevDom Strategy Document (in progress)
The primary aim of this domain is to bring together researchers from across the SLMS from basic scientists to clinical researchers to establish collaborative partnerships that span all disciplines that fit this domain. As a group we will not only profile our research successes but also mentor each other to submit better programme grants to both national and international calls. Reproduction and Development Domain
Focus our strengths: We are extremely well placed at UCL to utilise the latest technologies such as next generation sequencing to explore the genome, epigenome and transcriptome along with proteomics and metabolomics methodologies. Promote and develop UCL Biobanks
Reproduction and Development Domain Events to date 14th September 2011: REPDEVDOM Launch 21st Feb 2012 Adolescent Health Workshop 25 th Oct 2012 Birth Defect Research Centre (BDRC) Launch 18 th January 2013 Genetics of Eye Defects 13 th February 2013 UCLP Rare Diseases Day 18 th April 2013 TODAY
Reproduction and Development Domain Please let us know your thoughts re future workshops/Lectures