CAASPP Preperations Be prepared to avoid surprises!
Professional Development Blueprints & Item Specs Understanding the SBAC blueprint & item types Unpacking the Item Specs Interim Testing What is involved in administering the interims Hand Scoring Proctoring Site Coordinator Test Administrator/ Proctor Training
Proctor Meetings October 29- New Site Coordinator Meeting! (scheduling, TOMS, and tech) January 19th- School site test schedules due & TOMS and TA interface training Changes to Guided Access February 11th- Latest Proctoring News & CAA Proctoring & CST/CMA/CAPA science proctoring. Reminders from last year! February 1 st – March 18 th – Site Proctor Trainings at every site April 11 th – Begin testing! April 14th –Issues and Reports May 19th- Reflections and the '16-'17 testing cycle. Update on year end accountability.
Testing Schedules Look Like This… All schedules must include specific dates, times, room numbers, proctor name, cart #’s and test name
SC Honey Do Lists Now! ✖ Update all iPads to 9.2 ✖ Inventory all carts, keyboards, headphones, stands ✖ Affidavits?? ✖ Schedule Proctor Training ✖ Special Education settings ✖ Update your AirSecure App One Month Out ✖ Proctor Training/ Refresher ✖ Print Proctor Scripts to go with the carts ✖ Review SpEd settings ✖ Send the site testing letter ✖ ASAM & cart #s One Week Out ✖ Walk classrooms checking for appropriate testing environment ✖ Print SBAC cards ✖ Discuss ear buds with teachers and students ✖ Print the classroom activities for the PT ✖ Pop up blockers for proctor device
Accommodations IEP special factors 1 st extract and confirm acc. at Principals’ Council Principals make changes, then 2 nd extract Upload to TOMS Additional changes after upload are made at the site level
Managing the Devices! IT Responsibility ➜ Configure, inventory ➜ Manage the MDM ➜ Push apps and profiles to the self service “store” ➜ Update iOS Site Responsibility ➜ Maintain iPad carts by naming convention ➜ Update Apps ➜ Purchase Apps through VPP
Are your iPads ready for testing? Are they updated to 9.2? Do they have the Secure Browser App? Has the AirSecure App been updated? Did you check the volume? Is everything else closed? Is ASAM on? Is private browsing turned off?
Interim Assessments ICA IAB with hand scoring IAB without hand scoring EADMS Common Assessments
If I won the Powerball, I Would Tell the Next Person … 1.Communicate often 2. Give clear directions & expectations 3.Screen shot videos will save your life 4.Love the IT & CALPADS Departments (bribery) 5.Proctor train the IT techs 6.Don’t let new SC’s start testing on the same day. 7.Be with new SC’s on their first day 8.Support, don’t chastise 9.Yes, translating between the tech department and the sites is part of this job. 10. Learn to love Excel- it isn’t in the job description but it should be.
Thank you! Any questions? You can find me at: