Presented By: Lou Pilla Director, Mosby’s Nursing Consult Ricky Wang 王信傑
1 OVERVIEW: What’s Inside? Books 40 leading nursing books 5,000 searchable book images Journals 39 full-text journals and 2 clinics MEDLINE© Mosby’s Nursing Index – journal abstract and indexing database for nursing and allied health Link to local holdings via OpenURL Evidence-Based Nursing Monographs 62 detailed monographs* More added each month Patient Education 8000 customizable patient handouts (1/3 available in Spanish) *Total as of 1 March 2008
2 Professional Reference Books
3 Professional Journals for Nurses
4 Practice Guidelines 200 nursing-focused practice guidelines and position statements from roughly 90 organizations Clinical Updates 50 Peer-Reviewed Best Practice articles Drugs Over 2,700 drug monographs covering roughly 150,000 drug products 11 Drug Calculators Dictionary Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions, 7th ed. OVERVIEW: What’s Inside?
5 PDA Content Drug updates Nursing news Drug calculators Clinical Update abstracts OVERVIEW: What’s Inside? Nursing News Daily News RSS Feed 2X monthly newsletter featuring the latest news and content from Mosby’s Nursing Consult
6 如何在護理資料庫裡找資料 ? 瀏覽 搜尋
7 問題與關鍵字最重要 Background question ( 背景問題 ) 有關某種疾病的基本知識 A question root (who, when, what, where, why, how...) Foreground question ( 前景問題 ) 有關病人處置的特殊問題(能用ㄧ個研究來回答)
8 實證醫學五大步驟 1. 提出問題 (Question Formulation) 將資訊需求轉變成可以回答的臨床問題 2. 搜尋證據 (Evidence Search) 實證醫學資料庫 3. 嚴格評讀 (Critical Appraisal) 以批判的方法檢驗證據的可信度 4. 恰當運用 (Evidence Application) 結論是否能應用於我的病人 ? 5. 衡量結果 (Outcome Evaluation) 評估執行實證醫學的效用和效率 I can’t download the Usage report of MDC+FC for these customer as below
Nursing Process NIC NOC Assessment Nursing Diagnosis PlanningImplementEvaluation NANDA-I
10 Case PICO P Cardiovascular Disease I Care C Diabetic O Notice Items 77 歲的男病人,經檢查後患有心臟疾病 (Cardiovascular Disease) ,同時發現有糖尿病 (Diabetic) ,其在照顧上 (care) 需要注意的事項 ? 有哪些指標數值在照護上可以參考 ?
11 案例數個 Chronic obstruction pulmonary disease(COPD) Diabetic Type I Cadiovascular disease(CAD) DVT care Staging of Breast Cancer
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