any contaminant released into the air which can cause problems for humans or other organisms Cubatao, Brazil
What causes most air pollution? HUMAN ACTIVITIES What are some Natural Sources of air pollution ? volcano, salt, pollen, spores, radon gas, asbestos,… Video – Environment and Pollution – 3 min
Particulates Carbon Monoxide - CO Nitrogen Oxides - NO x Sulfur Dioxides - SO 2 Volatile Organic Compounds - VOC’s “Ground Level” Ozone Asbestos Radon Gas
combustion (burning) – gasoline and fossil fuels incineration - garbage and medical wastes ozone – O 3 (in the lower atmosphere) – action of UV radiation breaks down O 2 into 2 atoms of oxygen O 2 + O = O 3 chemicals – insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, fertilizers radioactive fallout – nuclear power plants and defense facilities
smoke, ash, soot, dust, lead,…. from construction and agriculture and the combustion of wood and fossil fuels
colorless, odorless, tasteless gas due to the burning of fossil fuels from vehicles + industries
due to the burning of fossil fuels from vehicles and industries contributes to acid rain
due to the burning of fossil fuels from vehicles, industries and volcanic eruptions contribute to acid rain
lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu),… from industires, medical waste incinerators, coal burning power plants, CFL (compact flourescent) light bulbs, E cigarettes VIDEO – CFL’s – 2 min VIDEO – E cigarettes – 4 min to-use-new-research-shows-metals-found-in-vapor-of-electronic-cigarettes
organic chemicals that vaporize readily produce toxic fumes examples – gasoline, benzene, toluene, xylene, methane, propane, butane found in fossil fuels, polymers, plastics, lubricants, dyes, detergents, pesticides
chemical reaction of… UV radiation + O 2 + O = O 3 in troposphere “BAD” “ground level” O 3 pollutant in stratosphere “GOOD” serves to block UV radiation
population growth modern industries and vehicles burning of fossil fuels 1/3 of our pollution comes from…vehicles Beijing’s Air Pollution – slides bad/tab/slideshow/#slide/eos 10 Most Polluted Cities – video – 2 min
gave the EPA authority to … regulate vehicle emissions eliminate lead in gasoline – UNLEADED GASOLINE add catalytic converters – cleans exhaust gases scrubbers – dissolve and remove pollutants electrostatic precipitators – remove particulates from smokestacks
air pollution that hangs over urban areas and reduces visibility “smoke” and “fog”
air above is warmer than the air below pollution is trapped near the earth’s surface