Angles and Shapes By: Parker and Matthew
3 types of angles Acute angle- An angle that measures less than 90 degrees. Obtuse angle- An angle that measures more than 90 degrees. Right angle- An angle that is 90 degrees exactly.
3 types of triangles by sides Scalene triangle- A triangle with all opposite sides. Isosceles triangle- A triangle with 2 sides the same and one different. Equallateral triangle- A triangle with all sides the same.
3 types of triangles by angle Right triangle- A triangle with one right angle. Obtuse triangle- A triangle with a angle obtuse. Acute triangle- A triangle with a acute angle.
Lines Parallel lines- A set of 2 lines that are equal. Perpendicular lines- Meeting of a given line of surface at right angles. Intersecting lines- Two or more lines that intersect.
Congruent An object that is the same size and shape as the other.
Adjacent An angle that shares a common line with another.
Vertical Angles Verticle angle- A vertical angle is opposite angles that are equal. The vertical angle is where the arrow is.
Supplementary Angle A angle with one side of the angle is different from the other. A supplementary angle must add up to 180 degrees.
Complementry angles Complementry angle- An angle that is inside an 90 degree angle. The arrow is the complmentry angle.
Types of Quadrilaterals with Characteristics Quadrilateral- When a shape has 4 sides and angles. Square- A shape with 4 equal sides and all angles are at 90 degrees. Rectangle- A shape with 2 pairs of equal side and all angle are 90 degrees. Rhombus- A shape with 2 pairs of parallel sides and 2 angles of more and less than 90 degrees.
Types of Quadrilaterals with Characteristics. Trapizoid- A shape with only 2 sides the same and others different andangles more or less than 90. Parallelogram- Ashape with any lenght of sides and angles. Characteristics- They all equal 360.
Parts of a circle Circumference- The perimeter around a circle. Diameter- A straight line that goes through the center of the circle from one side to the other. Radius- Distance from the middle of the circle to the end point.
Permimeter Circumfrance Perimeter- The distance around anything but a circle. Circumference- The distance around a circle. 8 cm. 4 cm. 5 cm. 6 cm = Permimeter 22 cm.= circumference
Area of many shapes Triangle- The way you find the area for a triangle is by base times height. Square- The way you find the area for a square is side times side. Rectangle- The way you find the area for a rectangle is lenght times width. Rhombus- It is the same area formula for as rectangle.
Area of many shapes Parallelogram- It is the same system as both rhombus and rectangle. Circle- the area for a circle is Pi times radius squared.