CNN Student News Current Event Warm-Up 02/23/2016 Apple has refused, saying _________________are at stake and that helping the government would make its products more vulnerable to_______________. The company has until Friday to formally respond to the ruling in court. In what country does a new law requires larger supermarkets to strike deals with local food banks to donate unsold food to help feed those in need? What are the pros and cons of this issue?
Presidential Succession Vice President Ms. Highsmith
Georgia Performance Standards SSCG12 The student will analyze the various roles played by the President of the United States; include Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, chief executive, chief agenda setter, representative of the nation, chief of state, foreign policy leader, and party leader. SSCG13 The student will describe the qualifications for becoming President of the United States. a. Explain the written qualifications for President of the United States. b. Describe unwritten qualifications common to past presidents. SSCG14 The student will explain the impeachment process and its usage for elected officials. a. Explain the impeachment process as defined in the U.S. Constitution. b. Describe the impeachment proceedings of Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. SSCG15 The student will explain the functions of the departments and agencies of the federal bureaucracy. a. Compare and contrast the organization and responsibilities of independent regulatory agencies, government corporations, and executive agencies. b. Explain the functions of the Cabinet.
What does the Constitution say? Presidential succession – This is the plan to fill a vacancy for the president. If the President dies, resigns or impeached, the vice-president becomes president. Originally, the Constitution did not address it Harrison died in office, so Tyler took over. That become the practice until the 25 th Amendment in 1967.
What if the president becomes disabled? 25 th Amendment says the VP will become acting President, if the President tells Congress he/she cannot fulfill duties. OR – the VP and majority of the Cabinet can inform Congress that the President is disabled. President Franklin D. Roosevelt
President who have died in office 1 William Henry Harrison 2 Zachary Taylor 3 Abraham Lincoln 4 James A. Garfield 5 William McKinley 6 Warren G. Harding 7 Franklin D. Roosevelt 8 John F. Kennedy
What are the Vice President’s Duties? Only has 2 formal duties Preside over the Senate Help decide if the President is disabled. How are they chosen? President chooses the VP as his/her running mate.
Presidential Succession Constitution Powers and duties transfer to VP Congress President informs Congress when he/she are disabled Vice President Becomes President if President is unable to serve If VP office becomes vacant, President nominates a VP.
Remember this vocab… Electoral College – groups of people chose in each state and the District of Columbia every four years who make a formal selection of the President and VP Electoral Vote – Votes cast by electors in the electoral college So what is a Presidential Elector --- A person elected by the voters to represent the in making a formal selection of the VP and Pres.
What is the electoral college? college
So how did it come to be this way? What were our Framer’s Plan? 1787 – The Framers of the Constitution resolve to select the President by a system of electors – A crisis occurs because the electors’ votes result in a tie. After the election of 1800: 12 th Amendment is adopted. It requires electors to vote separately for the President and the Vice President.
Presidential Political Cartoons What do these mean to you?
Future College Students… Exit Ticket – On your analysis worksheet – Complete a thorough analysis of this political cartoon.