What do you have?
They focused on this world Medieval scholars v. Renaissance scholars: Medieval- believed the form of words revealed part of the essential meaningfulness of God’s creation Renaissance- they were curious about how human languages were related to one another This is an example of the here and the now!
Humanism depended more on personal contact than learning instruction True friendships inspired significant works in this time period Hung out anywhere like good ‘ol buds! Sir Thomas More (England) and Desiderius Erasmus (Holland)= BFFs!
When Erasmus visited, he stayed in More’s house Erasmus wrote his most famous work, The Praise of the Folly, while he was there and he dedicated it to his BFF! Erasmus called More, “omnium horarum homo,” meaning “a man for all seasons.” Thought More was the ideal humanist (cultivated intellect, sparkling wit, deep learning, and broad culture)
More’s most celebrated work- Utopia Ideal society, freed from convention and ruled by reason Utopia in Greek means “no place”
Famous for her wit and eloquence Knew Greek, Latin, and several modern languages Loved music, theater, dancing She turned England into a great sea power (strong navy) She also supported a flourishing period of cultural achievement
Her court served as a forum for daring displays of wit Not only did she watch, but she participated as well Her favorite people in the court exemplified the qualities she most admired Her participation in these displays of wit make her a humanist! She was worldly and practical
He was the king of Scotland and called James VI over there He became James I when he became King of England Tudor ended with Elizabeth, the Stuart monarch begins now James I was theological and disputatious (argumentative and like to debate)
He commissioned the translation of the Bible It is considered a “masterpiece of English prose”
He also enjoyed theatrical performances He commissioned one troupe of players to give special performances at court These dudes were called The King’s Men (formerly known as Lord Chamberlin’s Men) Shakespeare was one of those dudes- they performed Macbeth in 1605
From A Defense of Poesie Sidney believes that poetry fulfills a moral purpose by combining moral instruction with delight
A sound or song These fourteen-line poems explore issues like the fleeting nature of love and profound questions of morality 1300s- Italian poet Francesco Petrarch popularized the sonnet
These sonnets usually focused on a particular theme Petrarch wrote hundreds of poems about a woman named Laura (Who is Laura??) Maybe she’s the one?
THREE major sonnet forms Petrarchan (aka Italian) Shakespearean (aka English) Spenserian
Many of these sonnets are about unrequited love 14 lines total First 8 lines (called octave), present the problem or the situation
The last 6 lines (called seset), provide an answer or resolution to the problem The switch from the problem to the solution is called the turn
Rhyme scheme Octave- A B B A A B B A Seset- C D E C D E or C D C D C D (look at the example on page 243)
Called this because Shakespeare was the master of this form These are divided into three quatrains and one couplet Quatrain = groups of four lines, each containing its own rhyme scheme Couplet = a group of two lines
Rhyme scheme A B C D E F GG
This allows for a more detailed development of the question or problem in the first three quatrains BUT, then it demands a quick summary and solution in the couplet
Edmund Spenser wanted to do it his own way Has the same three quatrains and a couplet, but it follows a different rhyme scheme The interlocking rhyme scheme pushes the sonnet toward the final couplet, in which the writer typically makes a key point or comment
Rhyme scheme A B B C C D EE (See how the letters interlock?)
Now you and a partner get to practice writing your own sonnet Follow our fearless leaders and write about love, unrequited love, or the profound questions or morality Pick one of the three types of sonnets and create a sonnet!