1 Two AusAID-funded Projects – NLA Benefits & e-Port Linkages Economy: Australia 35th APEC Transportation Working Group Bangkok, Thailand February 20-24,


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Presentation transcript:

1 Two AusAID-funded Projects – NLA Benefits & e-Port Linkages Economy: Australia 35th APEC Transportation Working Group Bangkok, Thailand February 20-24, 2012

2 35th APEC Transportation Working Group, Bangkok, Thailand, February 20-24, Australia undertaking projects in response to the APEC Supply Connectivity Framework Action Plan. 2.At this meeting, reporting on two self-funded projects  both pilot projects, focussing on selected economies, with outcomes for other economies  One: an on-going project and the other a concept note.

3 35th APEC Transportation Working Group, Bangkok, Thailand, February 20-24, 2012 Project One: Benefits of National Logistics Associations in Selected APEC Economies Project’s Objectives 1.To foster stronger collaboration between government and industry for better supply chain connectivity. 2.To enable developing economies to establish viable National Logistics Associations. 3.To share information on benefits, best practices and lessons learned.

4 35th APEC Transportation Working Group, Bangkok, Thailand, February 20-24, 2012 Project One: Benefits of National Logistics Associations in Selected APEC Economies Background 1.A pilot project funded by AusAID, Australia’s aid agency for economic and social development projects in particular economies 2.Participating economies: Indonesia; Papua New Guinea; Singapore; Thailand and Vietnam, with Australia as project coordinator

5 35th APEC Transportation Working Group, Bangkok, Thailand, February 20-24, 2012 Project One: Benefits of National Logistics Associations in Selected APEC Economies Rationale: in response to directives by APEC Leaders and Transportation Ministers 1.To improve the supply chain connectivity (SC) Framework - Chokepoint 1 [lack of coordination between government and industry on logistics supply chains] and 2.To also address Chokepoint 7 [variations of regulations across the border], relating to aligning of SC requirements between economies.

6 35th APEC Transportation Working Group, Bangkok, Thailand, February 20-24, 2012 Methodology Duration: 3 workshops from April 2011 – June In April 2011, first workshop conducted in Melbourne with good outcomes for the second workshop in Bangkok next week [27 February 2012]. 2.The last workshop in Hanoi from May 2012 to develop national logistics associations models for Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Vietnam.

7 35th APEC Transportation Working Group, Bangkok, Thailand, February 20-24, 2012 Benefits 1.To promote the collaboration between government and industry relating to government policies and measures on transport supply chain connectivity 2.To improve transparency of the regulatory environment; and 3.To increase awareness among relevant government agencies and other stakeholders in selected APEC economies.

8 35th APEC Transportation Working Group, Bangkok, Thailand, February 20-24, 2012 Deliverables 1.A generic National Logistics Association template and an implementation pathway to develop NLAs. 2.A compendium to contain findings, success stories, best practices, benefits, lessons learned, with a view to encouraging other APEC economies to consider for their own requirements

9 35th APEC Transportation Working Group, Bangkok, Thailand, February 20-24, 2012 Second Project: Electronic Linkages between Port Communities in Selected APEC Economies

10 35th APEC Transportation Working Group, Bangkok, Thailand, February 20-24, 2012 Objectives: 1.To understand the supply-chain benefits of improved e-linkages between APEC port community systems, application of single customs windows and cross-border paperless trading 2.In collaboration with Australia and China as well as APSN, to share good practices and benefits of e- linkages and to empower economies to have a better understanding of information infrastructure efficiencies as well as deficiencies.

11 35th APEC Transportation Working Group, Bangkok, Thailand, February 20-24, 2012 Collaboration with other APEC Sub-fora: In addition to the APSN, the Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures and the E-Commerce Group.

12 35th APEC Transportation Working Group, Bangkok, Thailand, February 20-24, 2012 Selected Economies: China, Indonesia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea and Vietnam, with Australia as coordinator Shortly, Australia to make a formal approach to these economies.

13 35th APEC Transportation Working Group, Bangkok, Thailand, February 20-24, 2012 Project Status [April 2012 – May 2013]: Early stages: 1.Concept note for AusAID consideration in March if approved, a full proposal in May for a workshop to be scheduled for Shanghai in October if approved, a progress report to be made to TPT- WG36 in St Petersburg, Russia in August 2012.

14 35th APEC Transportation Working Group, Bangkok, Thailand, February 20-24, 2012 Benefits: 1.For participating economies, information exchange through good practices, success stories and lessons learned 2.Information sharing on cost-effective e-linkages between ports for all participating economies 3.Capacity building at own pace and requirements 4.For APEC wide, to share project findings and a compendium relating to benefits, best practices, lessons learned.

15 35th APEC Transportation Working Group, Bangkok, Thailand, February 20-24, 2012 Deliverables: 1.A compendium of best practices and benefits of electronic linkages. 2.Capacity building to developing economies [governments; port administrations and users] to develop or improve their own systems to meet their own needs and own pace; 3.Collaboration of partner economies on success stories and lessons learned.

16 35th APEC Transportation Working Group, Bangkok, Thailand, February 20-24, 2012 Conclusion: Both projects [on-going and under development] 1.Response to Chokepoints 1 and 7 of the APEC Supply Chain Connectivity Framework 2.Pilot projects for selected core economies for subsequent APEC wide application 3.Implementation through workshops with hands-on by participating government and industry stakeholders 4.Progress and outcomes to be sustained through our IIEG, in collaboration with other relevant APEC sub-forums

17 35th APEC Transportation Working Group, Bangkok, Thailand, February 20-24, 2012 Recommendation that The IIEG note progress of the on-going and possible new projects