Standing for the truth in a whatever world Craig Olson, Crossroads International Church &
Truth is whatever you want it to be But you must never assert your view of truth The worst thing to be called is: “intolerant” To be tolerant you must be intolerant of the intolerant! 57% agree: “what is wrong for one person is not necessarily wrong for someone else.”
“To recognize and respect others beliefs and practices without sharing them.” – Webster “All truth is relative to the community in which a person participates” – Stanley Grenz “There is no hierarchy of truth. Your beliefs and my beliefs are equal” – Thomas Helmbock “Everyone has a right to their beliefs” OR “Every belief is right”
Overview:Standing for Truth Chapter 1:Christ: our common saviour Chapter 2:Dealing with deception Chapter 3:Living our new life together
Paul didn’t start the church, Epaphras did. Epaphras visits Paul in Rome Colossians written with Philemon & Ephesians Letters sent with Tychicus & Onesimus Did not recover from the earthquake in 60 AD “The most insignificant town Paul ever wrote to” Yet two NT letters are written to Colosse
Spirit is good; matter is evil Humans are souls trapped in a body Intermediaries between Godhead and creation The world was created by an imperfect god Secret knowledge only some would attain Asceticism Traces of Gnosticism predate the Christian era
Recognize the cost of not standing for truth Keep preaching, and explaining the truth Emphasize Christ’s superiority Don’t attack the person, attack the deception Pick your battles: What doctrines are worth fighting over? Stand for truth against tolerance. (Remember this letter outlived the town.)
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