Welcome to Ms. Faulkner’s English Class Fall 2013
The Cards of Fate On your desk, you will find a card with your given name written on it. Please do the following on this card: On your desk, you will find a card with your given name written on it. Please do the following on this card: 1. Write your preferred name, if it is different from the one I have written, on the next line. 1. Write your preferred name, if it is different from the one I have written, on the next line. 2. Write the grade you made in your last English class (and the name of your teacher and the class if that class was at South Granville). 2. Write the grade you made in your last English class (and the name of your teacher and the class if that class was at South Granville). Write your parents’ phone numbers and indicate whether they are work, home, or cell numbers. Include your parents’ names. Write your parents’ phone numbers and indicate whether they are work, home, or cell numbers. Include your parents’ names. Write your parents’ address if they have one and if you know it. Write your parents’ address if they have one and if you know it. Write your hobbies/interests. Write your hobbies/interests. What are your weaknesses in English? What are your weaknesses in English? What are your strengths in English? What are your strengths in English? List one interesting fact about yourself. List one interesting fact about yourself.
These Are NOT Name Tags I once had a student get very irrate with me on the first day of class because of these cards. He said, “I am not in kindergarten, and I don’t need no nametag!” I once had a student get very irrate with me on the first day of class because of these cards. He said, “I am not in kindergarten, and I don’t need no nametag!” I will use these cards to: I will use these cards to: assign you to groups or partners, and seats assign you to groups or partners, and seats to elicit commits when we are having class discussions. to elicit commits when we are having class discussions. to choose people to read aloud and to share answers on h.w., etc. to choose people to read aloud and to share answers on h.w., etc. FATE decides whose turn it is to share! FATE decides whose turn it is to share! Your participation WILL be a part of your grade. Your participation WILL be a part of your grade.
A Little Bit About Me I am a student. I am working on my doctorate in Reading. Therefore, there may be times where your work becomes my work: where we do projects that I write about for my classes. I am a student. I am working on my doctorate in Reading. Therefore, there may be times where your work becomes my work: where we do projects that I write about for my classes. I have two children: Gavin, who is 10, and Nadia, who is 8. I have two children: Gavin, who is 10, and Nadia, who is 8. I love to read, write, hike, paint, and to be social. I love to read, write, hike, paint, and to be social. I LOVE poetry and creative writing. Join my club (once I get it started). I LOVE poetry and creative writing. Join my club (once I get it started).
More About Me True or False 1. I lived in a school bus. 2. I was born in a helicopter. 3. I am the oldest of six children. 4. My mother once had a baby chicken that lived in her….bra. 5. I have a sister who died when I was in high school. 6. I used to teach art. 7. My daddy is a race car driver.
Now…..let’s look at the syllabus. Answer these questions and turn them in for your first grade! What are the 5 major areas of the SCOS? What are the 5 major areas of the SCOS? What sections do you need in your notebook? What sections do you need in your notebook? What materials do you need to buy and when is the supply quiz? What materials do you need to buy and when is the supply quiz? What rewards can you earn? What rewards can you earn? How much does your participation grade count? How much does your participation grade count? How can your parents help you earn extra credit? How can your parents help you earn extra credit? Do you need to get this syllabus signed? Do you need to get this syllabus signed? What part of the Bills of Rights do you like? What part of the Bills of Rights do you like? What part of the Bills of Rights do you not like? What part of the Bills of Rights do you not like? What are the consequences? What are the consequences? Is there a course website? Where? Is there a course website? Where? What unit do you think you will like the most? What unit do you think you will like the most? What unit do you think you will like the least? What unit do you think you will like the least? What questions do you have for me? What questions do you have for me?
Your turn….Meeting Metaphorically On the table at the front, there are an assortment of items. I will call you a table at a time to pick an item that represents you. Then you will: 1. Brainstorm three ways that you are like your item. Think about its literal uses as well as the symbolism of the item’s colors and so forth. 2. Write a sentence introducing yourself on the sentence strip provided. 3. Present yourself to the class.
REMEMBER A metaphor is a comparison that DOES NOT use “like” or “as.” A metaphor is a comparison that DOES NOT use “like” or “as.” A simile is a comparison that DOES use “like” or “as.” A simile is a comparison that DOES use “like” or “as.” MEET MRS. Faulkner: I am a box because I can hold things in, like secrets, and I can store things, like information. I am a box because I can be closed or open depending on the circumstances. I am a box because I can hold things in, like secrets, and I can store things, like information. I am a box because I can be closed or open depending on the circumstances. NOT A METAPHOR: I am LIKE this box because…. NOT A METAPHOR: I am LIKE this box because…. DON’T forget to compose your introduction like this: I am (object) because. DON’T forget to compose your introduction like this: I am (object) because. Give at least three ways that you ARE the object you have chosen. Give at least three ways that you ARE the object you have chosen. Try to be figurative rather than literal. Notice that I didn’t say, « I am this box because I am white. » If it were red, I could say I am this box because I am passionate. (Be sure you can explain your connections). Try to be figurative rather than literal. Notice that I didn’t say, « I am this box because I am white. » If it were red, I could say I am this box because I am passionate. (Be sure you can explain your connections).
Bio Poem: Extra Credit Homework Assignment—Must Share Tuesday First name Four adjectives that describe you Son or daughter of (your parents’ names) Who feels (3 different feelings and when or where they are felt) Who gives (3 things) Who fears (3 things) Who would like to see ( 3 things) Who lives (a brief description) Last name
My Bio Poem
It Is Nice to Meet You! I look forward to working with you. I look forward to working with you. Orient yourself with the room. Orient yourself with the room. Keep your bags and purses under your desks at all times. Keep your bags and purses under your desks at all times.--Sincerely, Ms. Faulkner Ms. Faulkner
Pre-TEST Now, you are going to take a pre-test that will help me figure out where you are in terms of the learning objectives of this class. Now, you are going to take a pre-test that will help me figure out where you are in terms of the learning objectives of this class. Do your best work. This will count as a participation grade, and it will help me tell what I need to teach you! Do your best work. This will count as a participation grade, and it will help me tell what I need to teach you!