Memorable Events in New Zealand History The Research Task CONFLICT
Year 9 Common Assessment Task Research Log and Report (A Band) There are TWO parts to the task: 1.Finding information and recording it in a Research Log (template to use). 2. Writing up these notes into a formal Research Report with a Bibliography (list of referenced sources). What is the Assessment Task? See Exemplars
The Research Log
A.Select a topic according to your teacher’s instructions. B. Devise 3 key questions on the topic. *AT LEAST 2 of your questions should be OPEN questions. Step 1: Key Questions
C. Find and select a range AT LEAST 3 information resources. You must have at least one PRIMARY source. You must have at least one of each type of source: WRITTEN, ORAL and VISUAL. Step 2: Finding Information
D. Make notes and process the information you found, using the Research LOG template. Step 3: Recording Information
What is the Log Template? Research Log – Set out your research log as shown on the template and complete in your exercise book (or on refill). The template can also be downloaded from moodle or the wikispace. One page per question = 3 Log pages. Your log is to be completed as you are doing your research. In class and at home. It is to be handed in with your research report.
The Research Report
Your report will need to have 5 parts: introduction ii.paragraph summary in your own words for each key question iii. a conclusion iv. a BIBLIOGRAPHY, using APA referencing style. v. Self- Reflection paragraph: 1.One research skill I am good at is… 2. One area where I need to improve is… 3. Comment on one way that you would use the skills learnt in this research unit in another English unit or in another subject area. What does the Report look like? See Exemplars See Instruction Sheet
When do I write the report? You will have four periods in class to write the report – you will need to bring in your notes and completed Research Log to help you write it. Use APA referencing style – record all source references in your Log as you make notes. Online web site can do it for you: BibMeBibMe
All PowerPoints and a blank Research Log template are on your wikispace and on moodle. Learning Support