Yorba Linda Middle School Student and Parent Handbook
Around Campus
Boundaries: Before School You may be in these areas ONLY: –Lunch tables –Library –Black top North quad South quad Front of school
Boundaries: After School Please leave campus immediately unless you have an official school activity
Boundaries: Break BREAK –Stay seated in the lunch area while eating –Play/socialize on the field –Acceptable restroom locations: North quad Behind the library
Boundaries: Lunch LUNCH –Stay seated in the lunch area while eating –Play/socialize on the field –Play/socialize on the blacktop only with staff supervision –Acceptable restroom locations: Behind the library
Boundaries: Lunch NEW LUNCH LINE! –All 3 lines are now ALL combo lines –Students must have their student ID card OR their student number memorized to buy a lunch (even if paying in cash!)
Office Procedures Enter through the BACK door near the attendance window Come alone for official business only Office phones are for EMERGENCIES ONLY
Bike/Skateboard Rack Line up single-file on the red line and wait for a staff member Lock up your vehicle Ride only on the sidewalk, NEVER ON CAMPUS (even after school hours!)
Keep Our Campus Clean!
Gum Absolutely NO gum on campus at ANY time Gum = campus beautification detention (gum scraping!) THIS is what happens when we allow gum on campus.
Sharpies Absolutely NO personal Sharpies on campus at ANY time If we see a Sharpie, it will be confiscated Sharpie vandalism = disciplinary action THIS is what happens when we allow Sharpies on campus.
School Rules
Behavioral Expectations Pride = RespectfulResponsibleSafe
Academic Honesty Do your own work to the best of your ability Examples: –Do not allow others to copy from you –Do not copy out of a book/website without citing your source –Do not look at another person’s paper during a test/quiz
Academic Honesty Possible Consequences: –Receive a grade of ZERO on the test/assignment –N in citizenship –Parent conference with teacher and/or administrator
Distractive Devices Any device or toy that may cause a disruption may not be heard, seen, or used EXCEPT with permission from the classroom teacher for a specific educational purpose.
Positive Rewards “Proud Paws” –Tickets given by teachers for doing something right –Can be entered into weekly drawings for prizes “Double Proud Paws” –Tickets given by adult classroom aides, substitutes, and campus supervisors and staff –Worth TWICE as much as Proud Paws tickets
Disciplinary Actions Office Referra l Detention Oops Behavior Slip
Dress Code
PRRS SAFE Shoes with back straps Good repair No writing on skin RESPECTFUL Good taste Modest No hats/ glasses inside (YLMS hats okay outside) No studded jewelry Hair out of eyes
Which shirts follow our dress code? Why? Too low cut (add a camisole!) No shoulder straps
Which shorts follow our dress code? Why? Rolled up, too short Too short
Which skirts follow our dress code? Why? Too short and not in good repair Too short
Which jeans follow our dress code? Why? Not in good repair Too baggy (undergarment showing)
SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Frequent absences may cause extreme confusion, build up of assignments, lack of sleep, and emotional distress.
All-Day Absence Parents call in the same day you’re absent OR Come to the attendance window with a note from your parent the next morning before 8:27 a.m.
Absences During the Day Try to schedule appointments before and/or after school Come to the attendance window with a note from your parent that morning before 8:27 a.m. to get an off- campus pass