School Improvement Goals Reading ( Comprehension) Writing (Informational) Daily “5” Mathematics (Numbers and Operations) Math Expressions Science Hands- on Social Studies Real life
Instructional Strategies Co-operative Learning Working Together Close and Critical Reading Guided Highlighting Nonlinguistic Representation Thinking Maps Targets Focus C.H.A.M.P.S Expectations
Importance of Parent Involvement Required under State’s Title 1 School Improvement goals School Functions Learning Night Conferences Attendance Homework- Purposeful Practice
Parent Support and Volunteering You are more than welcome to be involved your child’s learning experiences by volunteering to help in and out of the classroom. “More Hands” No siblings PLEASE! You may be limited to one party/fieldtrip to give all parents a chance.
How do I help my child become more successful? Homework Monthly Strengthens home/school connection Keep all materials in homework folder until due Limited supplies Completed homework and reading log must be signed and turned in on time to earn a prize! Read every night!!
Kindergarten Specials Music Spanish Library check out Books are due back one week from check out Tip- Keep books in the same place. This minimizes missing books! Gym Wear sneakers or sit out – We are unable to call home
When does the school day begin and end ? Students walk through the main doors promptly at 7:50 Don’t be late! Students are dismissed at 3:05 and 2:05 on Wednesdays Please keep dismissal plan as consistent as possible and inform your child of the plan! Send a dated note or contact the office by 2 p.m. If your child attends SACC after school… attach their tag to their backpack and they will be walked to the SACC entrance.
Absences/Tardies Your child’s attendance is very important to their academic success. If your child must be absent due to illness, inform the office the morning of the absence. Students who arrive 90 minutes late or leave 90 minutes early will be marked as a half day absence. Students who leave school prior to dismissal will be marked tardy.
When and what will my child eat while at school? Snack Time Generally snack time is in the morning Please provide one healthy snack each day, No Drinks PLEASE! They have access to a drinking fountain. Cookies and chips won’t be eaten! Provide all utensils needed for your child’s snack, as they are not kept in the classroom. Breakfast/Lunch Time Your child has the opportunity to order both a breakfast and a lunch here at Yacks. Please tell your child what their meal plans are for the day Contact our kitchen staff with any questions Popcorn/bagel days: Children are responsible! All money must be labeled with child’s name, teacher’s name and what it is for!
The Restroom Please consider sending a change of clothes in a labeled zip lock bag JUST in CASE! If an accident occurs, students are responsible for changing themselves. Due to staffing, parents may be contacted to help with the changing process if necessary. Students are given many opportunities to use the restroom throughout the kindergarten day, but discouraged from using the restroom during instructional times.
Positive Behavior Support Marvelous Marlins’ Fish “5” Rules Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Kind Be in Control Be Safe Refer to our handbooks for details to help your child be successful!
Money If money is required to be sent to school for any reason: Send exact amount only, no change will be made Place in baggy or envelope (separate money) Label with child’s name, teacher’s name, and purpose Keep in child’s Daily Take Home folder
Dismissal Tags Also referred to as bus tags. These are very important for your child’s safety! They indicate where your child is to go at the end of the day. We will always send your child to the indicated destination per dismissal tag unless other wise notified. You will be responsible for checking the accuracy of the dismissal tag at the packet pick-up table before you leave tonight. If changes need to be made, make changes on the dismissal verification sheet and notify office staff.
Important Information Medication All meds must registered with the office No medications can administered by teacher No cough drops! Dress Code Appropriate clothing No flip flops or tank tops Socks must be worn with open toe shoes
Documents to return In your child’s classroom information packet that you will receive this evening, you will need to review all of the materials. For your child’s teacher you will need to complete and return: the parent survey & the information packet agreement page. Please return these documents in the folders they are in by Friday, September 6 th.
Questions??? Open floor for general questions… There is a form to fill out if you have any personal questions or concerns. The teacher will contact you before the first day of school to discuss any issues with you if needed.
The Classroom!! Their are bins to sort supplies Scavenger hunt Project: “Fish Five” Fish Dismissal Plan Sign Off and collect your Kindergarten Packet