Middle Grades Orientation
Middle School Learning is: Gum hiding Mind changing Pencil breaking Note crumpling Toe tapping Allegiance changing Hair tossing Girl dreaming Boy dreaming Seat squirming Pocket searching Day dreaming Make-up checking Window watching Note writing
Middle School Teaching is: Aiming the teaching arrow at a moving learner target. A range of emotions experienced by all those lucky enough to call themselves middle school teachers.
Middle Grades Daily Schedule Advisory-9:40-10:01 -1 st Hour- 10:04-10:57 Specialists -2 nd Hour- 11:00-11:53 -3 rd Hour/ Lunch- 11:56-1:22 Lunch/Recess: 6 th grade and 7A 11:56-12:26. 7B and 8 th grade 12:52-1:22 4 th Hour-1:25-2:18 -5 th Hour- 2:21-3:14 -6 th Hour- 3:17-4:10 Dismissal Bell 4:10
Middle School Advisory Middle Grades students will start their school day in Advisory. The goal of Advisory is for increased student engagement and to build relationships.
6 th grade courses Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies and Read, Write and Create. Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies and Read, Write and Create. 7 th and 8 th grade students take Spanish. 7 th and 8 th grade students take Spanish. All middle grade students have one hour per day of Specialists: Art, Health, Music, Physical Education and STEM. All middle grade students have one hour per day of Specialists: Art, Health, Music, Physical Education and STEM.
Language Arts Teachers- Peg Eiden, Debra Krawetz and Matt Streit Teachers- Peg Eiden, Debra Krawetz and Matt Streit Course content Course content Reading, writing, spelling, grammar, speaking, listening and group work. Reading, writing, spelling, grammar, speaking, listening and group work. Books- no “textbook”; handouts and class novels, instead. Books- no “textbook”; handouts and class novels, instead.
Mathematics Teacher- Jeff Tousignant Teacher- Jeff Tousignant Connected Math Program (CMP) curriculum Connected Math Program (CMP) curriculum Course content: integers, similarities, fractions, probability, pre-Algebra and Intro to Algebra. Course content: integers, similarities, fractions, probability, pre-Algebra and Intro to Algebra. Accelerated Math Accelerated Math
Science Teachers- Kim Kirk and Diane Weiher Course content- Models and designs, human brain and senses, experimenting with plants and energy, and machines and motion. Course content- Models and designs, human brain and senses, experimenting with plants and energy, and machines and motion. Books- classroom set of texts. Books- classroom set of texts.
Social Studies Teachers- Kim Kirk, Zoe Meyer and John Wood Teachers- Kim Kirk, Zoe Meyer and John Wood Course content- Minnesota History Course content- Minnesota History Books- classroom set of Northern Lights textbook. Books- classroom set of Northern Lights textbook.
Read, Write and Create Teacher-Natalie Peterson Teacher-Natalie Peterson The course will cover ELA standards not covered in the other ELA course.
Academic Support-ALC ALC begins in October and is held after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:15-5:45. Kim Kirk is our coordinator.
Camp St. Croix
School Information School hours- 9:40-4:10 Students are not allowed to enter the building before 9:20. Teacher hours- 8:20-4:20 Breakfast is available, free of charge daily, 9:20-9:35 in the cafeteria. Lunch is available for $2.25 per day. No food or drinks allowed on the 2 nd floor.
Student Attendance Family Activity- a student may be gone for up to five days for a pre-approved family activity. Family activity forms are available in the main office. If your student needs to leave school early for an appointment, parents are to pick them up and sign them out from the office.
Tardies and School Start Students arriving to school at 9:40 are considered late. Students need about 10 minutes to get to their locker, gather their school supplies and get to class before the bell rings at 9:40.
Middle School Communication Middle-school teachers have classroom websites which are updated weekly. Students are expected to record homework information in their Agenda Books. Students and parents can log onto the Parent Portal to check student progress, grades, and missing work.
Parent Portal Parents can view their child’s grades and attendance online. – To access this information you will need to complete the security request form from the link on the Lake Harriet Community School website and return it to the main office. – You will need your child’s birthdate and Mpls. Student ID #. – You can find the student ID# on the copy of the student schedule.
Agenda books and locks Student agenda books can be purchased for $5.00 from your student’s advisory teacher. Agenda books are used in all classes to record important information about assignments and due dates. Lockers are assigned by advisory teachers. Students are encouraged to use lockers to lock their valuables. You may bring your own lock or purchase a lock for $5.00.
Conferences Fall parent/teacher conferences: Evening conferences are on Thursday, October 8 and Tuesday, October 13 and all day on Wednesday, October 14. Parents conference with the advisory teacher.
Middle Grades Dress Code Students’ dress must be appropriate to the school setting and not be distracting, offensive, or discriminatory.
Electronics Policy While in school cellphones should not be visible. Students are encouraged to keep their cell phones in their locked locker. If a staff member sees a student using a cell phone in school the cell phone will be taken and turned into the office.
What to do if my student needs support or call the teacher. or call one of the support staff members: School Psychologist, or School Social Workers. School Psychologist - Julie Hirsch (M,W,F) School Social Worker - Lynne McCoy (M-F)
Thank you and questions Thank you for your continued support of your middle grades student. Working together we know this can be a successful transition to middle grades. At this time we can answer a few general questions. We want to respect confidentiality and therefore ask if you have a question specific to your child please wait until after the presentation.