What are the key components of the leisure industry?
Objectives Know that there are many key components of the leisure industry. Understand that some activities are more popular than others are. Be able to justify your reasons for your choices.
Starter: Watch the mini movie and decide what different types of recreation and facilities we can see.
7 key components: Sport and physical recreation 29 million people a year participate in sport or physical recreation. What do you think is the most popular sport or physical activity?
Arts and entertainment: 135 million go to the cinema each year, paying £500 million for tickets.
Countryside recreation: What do you think this would include?
Home-based leisure What things do you think this would include?
Children’s play activities: Including parks and play schemes
Visitor attractions: 500,000 listed buildings in UK Can you think of any? 8500 conservation areas And also includes theme parks…
Catering: Worth £47.8 billion per year.
Task: Complete the table which asks what each component is and you have to give an example from the local area for each.
You each have a card… When I ask come up to the board and put the activity under the correct heading.