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Attendance Tardy Policy – Please try very hard to get your child here on time; however, tardies may occur. If a child arrives at school after 8:05 am, he/she needs to report directly to the office for a tardy slip. More than five tardies in a 9-week period will result in a PBIS discipline referral. Dismissal – Please make sure to complete the paperwork on the dismissal routines including rainy day dismissal. Whatever is on dismissal form is what will be followed. A child will not be allowed to call home during the day. If there is a change in the dismissal routine, a note needs to be sent with the student that morning indicating the change and how long the change will last. Please do not send dismissal changes via or voice mail because we may not see the change before the end of the day.
Planner / Homework Please check daily for homework assignments in their planner. This is one method of communication between teachers and parents. Completed each day as assigned Incomplete homework will result in a work habit mark and loss of recess time to complete the assignment
Tuesday Folders (red pocket folder) Sent home each Tuesday (Wednesday if Monday is a holiday). Review and sign the conduct card If folder is not returned and signed by Thursday, your child will have no recess until the folder is signed and returned. It will contain graded and ungraded class work as well as communication between the school and home.
Detention – If a child receives 3 conduct marks in one day or 6 in one week, he/she will be assigned detention. Detention is every Thursday afternoon from 3:30- 4:30. This is a time for a student to reflect on poor choices. It is not a study hall. If a child does not report for his/her assigned detention, then an office referral will be issued. Please be sure to arrive on time for pick-up of your child from detention. – On the third detention, the student will receive an office referral.
Clinic Cough Drops – This item is permitted, but only with a note from a parent/guardian. Children without a note will not be permitted to use this item. Medication – All medication needs to be brought to the clinic by a parent or guardian. No longer provides change of clothing
Dress Code No spaghetti straps, halter tops, or tank tops Sleeveless shirts may be worn by girls, but they need to be to the shoulder area No hats or bandanas Tennis shoes worn on PE days No flip flops or heels above ½ inch. *Please refer to Student Handbook
Dress Code Continued… Shorts/skirts must be between the knee and mid-thigh Shirts must not expose the bare chest Midriff must not be exposed when going through normal activities No make-up Violations will require a phone call home for a change of attire Please refer to the handbook for the dress code policy. It is strictly enforced.
Nutrition Snacks: – Healthy snack only This could be a piece of fruit, pretzels, baked crackers, etc. Please do not send chips, candies, or anything that requires a utensil. – Water bottles For class use, sports top lid and water only No screw tops please – Snacks and water bottles are privileges
Nutrition Lunch - Allowed to have a lunch brought to them by their own parent, but not by another parent. Forgotten Lunch – Place in cubbies located outside the front office. Lunch Purchase - Children purchasing a lunch without a fruit or vegetable will be charged a la carte. PLEASE REFER TO HANDBOOK Hellmers/George – 12:30-1:00 Gause/Campbell – 12:35-1:05 Camps/Rea – 12:40-1:10
Visitors Visitors will need to first go to the front office to sign in and get a visitors badge. Teacher will let the front office know of scheduled visitors prior to arrival.
Morning Routine When arriving, children should go directly to fourth grade hallway. A 4 th grade teacher is on duty The hallway is on silence.
Dismissal Complete paperwork on the dismissal Information on paperwork is what will be followed for dismissal Children cannot call home to find out how they will be going home. Changes in the dismissal routines need a note from parent the morning of the change. Please do not send dismissal changes via or voice mail
Classroom Rules Students should follow directions the first time they are given Everyone should speak in an appropriate voice level and be polite to others Classrooms should be a safe and happy learning environment. Classrooms are a NO HATE ZONE!
Cell Phones Cell phones need to be turned off and placed in back pack during school hours (see district handbook) Should not be in pocket or purse Violation: phone taken away and given to the HISD Police Dept. (See district handbook)
State Testing Writing - The STAAR Writing test will be on March 29 th and March 30 th. Math - The STAAR Math test will be on May 9 th. Reading - The STAAR Reading test will be on May 10 th.
Miscellaneous Items Temperature: – Child can bring a light jacket/sweater Field Trip – Trip to Austin – The Capitol and Bob Bullock Museum – February 10 th – Parent Meeting on September 1 st at 6:00 PM in the cafeteria
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4 th Grade Team Gwen Hellmers – (281) – Deb George – (281) – Jennifer Camps – (281) – Erin Rea – (281) – Nicole Gause – (281) – Laurie Campbell – (281) –