DØ Calorimeter Task Force Meeting September 26, Leslie Groer Columbia UniversityOffline Zero Suppression Bug 1 Offline zero suppression bug In p11.11.xx calunpdata/src/CalUnpToMCReco.cpp u bool suppressChannel = (abs(counts) < zlim); Should be <= i.e. limit of 3 should suppress –3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3 Calculate zlim by u int zlim = (int) (zsupth*sigma + 0.5); Example at 2.5 threshold: u RMS Expected Effective Expected Actual Fractional limit limit occupancy occupancy increase % 4.6% % 1.64% % 1.75% 1.41 There are 47,400 physical channels u threshold occupancy(%) number channels
Rough guess: 7 in EM, 4-5 in HAD i.e. ~7/11 at 2.0 and 4/11 at 2.4 2.1 ave 1.5 online/0.0 offline 5800 1.5 online/"2.5" offline 2100 2.5 online 750
DØ Calorimeter Task Force Meeting September 26, Leslie Groer Columbia UniversityOffline Zero Suppression Bug 3 Energy contribution CC EC EM EM /17 EM /22 EM /33 FH FH FH CH IH MH OH MG /120 ICD ~6.5 7 What an ADC count contributes to the energy ADC to GeV factor u MeV/ADC u For ICD MeV/ADC Cal_weight applied per layer This is before NLC which is a factor at low energy