1. Community Update Butte College Spring 2016 Providing Affordable Higher Education and Job Training in Our Community Proudly Serving Butte and Glenn Counties
2. About Butte College Butte College has been providing high quality, affordable higher education and career training in Butte and Glenn Counties for over four decades. Butte College has the highest transfer rate in the State of California to Chico State University. Serving over 17,000 students annually, Butte College has four accessible campuses which serve students throughout Butte and Glenn Counties: Main Campus Glenn County Center Chico Center Skyway Center
3. A History of Excellence First designed as a campus focusing on law enforcement, fire science, and nursing, Butte College now offers: General education coursework Transfer education Career and technical skills preparation classes including: Fire Academy EMT- Paramedic Nursing Law Enforcement Academies: Regular Basic Fish and Game State Parks Agriculture Welding Technology Automotive Technology
4. Current Highlights and Successes Butte College is a recipient of the 2015 Innovation in Higher Education Award, in part for increasing the number of degrees awarded and transfers to 4-year universities achieved each by 30% over the last 5 years. Butte College is a recognized leader in vocational programs nationwide. In 2015, the Butte College welding program was among nine programs recognized nationally as "Excellence in Action" award winners, representing the best Career Technical Education (CTE) has to offer.
5. Affordable Education is a Key to Community Success Undergraduate Fees for Resident Nonresident Butte$1,380$9,030 CSU$6,759*$17,919* UC$13,300*$36,178 *includes campus-based fees Because the University of California and California State systems are becoming so expensive, more people are relying on community colleges to provide local students with a high-quality education they may not otherwise receive.
6. Keeping our Communites Safe and Thriving Butte College is an important resource for the community in providing training for students in high-paying and skilled jobs that keep our communities safe, such as our nursing programs, police and fire academies. We are proud that Butte College programs are where many of our nurses, police officers, firefighters, and 911 emergency responders are trained. Pictured above: Butte College Police, Nursing and Fire Academy graduates.
7. Many Butte College Classrooms are Old Much of Butte College was built over 40 years ago, and many buildings, classrooms, science labs, and job training equipment are deteriorating, run down, and in need of repair. We need to ensure our colleges have up-to-date educational facilities that keep pace with the rigorous demands of highly-skilled fields that produce good paying jobs.
8. Butte College Commitment to Students Our educational needs and priorities include : Providing vocational education to prepare students for careers in growing fields like nursing. Creating job and career pathways in high- paying fields like welding and law enforcement. Better preparing returning veterans for high- paying jobs. Repairing deteriorating gas, electrical and water lines, and leaky roofs. Replacing outdated electrical wiring.
9. Where Do We Go From Here? We will be working to update the community and key stakeholders over the coming months about our efforts to address Butte College’s needs and priorities. We look forward to your feedback and responding to any questions or comments. We will continue to keep you informed of our planning efforts.
10. Questions & Discussion The most important feedback comes from YOU! Please take a moment to fill out our community survey. Go to for more informationwww.butte.edu/feedback Contact us at Butte College by calling or