Interactive Training Resources Clare Payne Mersey Care Knowledge and Library Service
Literature Searching Research Methods busters/quiz-busters-game.aspx?game_id= busters/quiz-busters-game.aspx?game_id=67357 To create your own on any topic go to:
Defining research Is my project research, evaluation or audit? Do I need to seek ethical approval? Research? – Yes - requires review by a Research Ethics Committee (REC) Audit or service evaluation - No, you do not. Time
To prove Seeks new knowledge Are we singing the right song? To improve – Measure standards of care Makes sure existing knowledge is used well Are we singing the song right? Research Evaluation or Audit or
Can be applied to other cases May involve Experiments and randomisation May involve a new intervention Tightly controlled Only for a specific case No experiments or randomisation Tried & tested interventions Flexible to allow for changes Research Evaluation or Audit or
A copy of this game is embedded here – you can open it by double clicking the icon in PowerPoint Normal or Design view (not slide show) and then save it elsewhere. You can then alter it to suit any topic.
Limits Medline Truncation Boolean “” Wildcard ANDNOTOR AB DE C F GHI AB DE C F GHI CLICK FOR NEXT SLIDE I AB DE C F GH
Limits Medline Truncation Boolean “” Wildcard ANDNOTOR AB DE C F GHI AB DE C F GHI CLICK FOR NEXT SLIDE 9 several of these can be applied to narrow your search? 1 to widen a search 2 To narrow a search 4 search for spelling variations within the same term 5 to search for an exact phrase 3 To exclude a key word 6 set of short terms that can help you get more accurate results 7 allows you to search for words beginning with a root term e.g. nurs 8 database covering the field of medicine 1950 to present?
OXO Powerpoint “template” Slides 9 and 10 are examples of how this can be used for consolidating / evaluating learning on Boolean terms etc. To play, click the chosen letter. Picture is revealed (create your own rules for what is/isn’t acceptable as an answer!) In 9 for example the idea is that people are more challenged to explain what they use the term / function / database for. If answer is wrong (and you don’t want to make the other team try it out) – click the frame and the blue letter square will reappear! If answer is correct – click the appropriate letter on either the X or O side. – I find this moody! – you often have to approach the letter from underneath and do this twice – who knows why! But done this way it works! To create your own – To add your own pictures, use slide 12 pictures, double-click on one picture at a time and select “change picture” then add one from your files (see slide notes re size of alternatives). – If you’re using text, use slide 13. When all pictures are correct, copy (click one then select all – it’s hard to copy one at a time) MAKE SURE “format picture tools” tab is still selected Then paste onto slide 14 but before you click on anything else - click on arrow to right of “send backward” and select “send to back” – this will hide your pictures! (Alternatively ‘order’ and ‘send to back’)
Limits Medline Truncation Boolean “” Wildcard ANDNOTOR
Basketball Challenge Quantitative vs Qualitative Link to video is here
Disadvantages of quantitative research methods