Geometry and Linkage Lecture 1 Day 1-Class 1
References Gillespie, T., The Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics, Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA, Milliken, W.F. and Milliken, D.L., Chassis Design Principles and Analysis, Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA, Hunt, D., Farm Power and Machinery Management, Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA, 2001.
Ackerman Geometry Basic layout for passenger cars, trucks, and ag tractors δ o = outer steering angle and δ i = inner steering angle R= turn radius L= wheelbase and t=distance between tires δoδo δiδi L t R Figure 1.1. Pivoting Spindle Turn Center Center of Gravity δoδo δiδi (Gillespie, 1992)
Cornering Stiffness and Lateral Force of a Single Tire Lateral force (F y ) is the force produced by the tire due to the slip angle. The cornering stiffness (C α ) is the rate of change of the lateral force with the slip angle. t α V FyFy Figure 1.2. F y acts at a distance (t) from the wheel center known as the pneumatic trail (Milliken, et. al., 2002) (1)
Slip Angles The slip angle (α) is the angle at which a tire rolls and is determined by the following equations: W = weight on tires C α = Cornering Stiffness g = acceleration of gravity V = vehicle velocity (2) (3) (Gillespie, 1992) t α V FyFy Figure 1.2. Repeated
Steering angle The steering angle (δ) is also known as the Ackerman angle and is the average of the front wheel angles For low speeds it is: For high speeds it is: (4) (5) α f =front slip angle α r =rear slip angle (Gillespie, 1992) t δiδi L R Center of Gravity δoδo δiδi δoδo Figure 1.1. Repeated
Three Wheel Easier to determine steer angle Turn center is the intersection of just two lines δ R Figure 1.3. Three wheel vehicle with turn radius and steering angle shown
Pivoting Single Axle Entire axle steers Simple to determine steering angle δ R Figure 1.4. Pivoting single axle with turn radius and steering angle shown
Both axles pivot Only two lines determine steering angle and turning radius Can have a shorter turning radius δ R Figure 1.5. Both axles pivot with turn radius and steering angle shown
Articulated Can have shorter turning radius Allows front and back axle to be solid Figure 1.6. Articulated vehicle with turn radius and steering angle shown
Aligning Torque of a Single Tire Aligning Torque (M z ) is the resultant moment about the center of the wheel do to the lateral force. (6) t α V FyFy MzMz Figure 1.7. Top view of a tire showing the aligning torque. (Milliken, et. al., 2002)
Camber Angle Camber angle (Φ) is the angle between the wheel center and the vertical. It can also be referred to as inclination angle (γ). Φ (Milliken, et. al., 2002) Figure 1.8. Camber angle
Camber Thrust Camber thrust (F Yc ) is due to the wheel rolling at the camber angle The thrust occurs at small distance (t c ) from the wheel center A camber torque is then produced (M Zc ) F yc tctc M zc (Milliken, et. al., 2002) Figure 1.9. Camber thrust and torque
Camber on Ag Tractor Pivot Axis Φ Figure Camber angle on an actual tractor
Wheel Caster The axle is placed some distance behind the pivot axis Promotes stability Steering becomes more difficult (Milliken, et. al., 2002) Pivot Axis Figure Wheel caster creating stability
Neutral Steer No change in the steer angle is necessary as speed changes The steer angle will then be equal to the Ackerman angle. Front and rear slip angles are equal (Gillespie, 1992)
Understeer The steered wheels must be steered to a greater angle than the rear wheels The steer angle on a constant radius turn is increased by the understeer gradient (K) times the lateral acceleration. (7) (Gillespie, 1992) t α V ayay Figure 1.2. Repeated
Understeer Gradient If we set equation 6 equal to equation 2 we can see that K*a y is equal to the difference in front and rear slip angles. Substituting equations 3 and 4 in for the slip angles yields: (8) Since (9) (Gillespie, 1992)
Characteristic Speed The characteristic speed is a way to quantify understeer. Speed at which the steer angle is twice the Ackerman angle. (10) (Gillespie, 1992)
Oversteer The vehicle is such that the steering wheel must be turned so that the steering angle decreases as speed is increased The steering angle is decreased by the understeer gradient times the lateral acceleration, meaning the understeer gradient is negative Front steer angle is less than rear steer angle (Gillespie, 1992)
Critical Speed The critical speed is the speed where an oversteer vehicle is no longer directionally stable. (11) Note: K is negative in oversteer case (Gillespie, 1992)
Lateral Acceleration Gain Lateral acceleration gain is the ratio of lateral acceleration to the steering angle. Helps to quantify the performance of the system by telling us how much lateral acceleration is achieved per degree of steer angle (12) (Gillespie, 1992)
Example Problem A car has a weight of 1850 lb front axle and 1550 lb on the rear with a wheelbase of 105 inches. The tires have the cornering stiffness values given below: Load lb/tire Cornering Stiffness lbs/deg Cornering Coefficient lb/lb/deg
Determine the steer angle if the minimum turn radius is 75 ft We just use equation 1. Or 6.68 deg
Find the Understeer gradient The load on each front tire is 925 lbs and the load on each rear tire is 775 lbs The front cornering stiffness is 218 lb/deg and the rear cornering stiffness 187 lb/deg (by interpolation) Using equation 7:
Find the characteristic speed Use equation 8 plugging in the given wheelbase and the understeer gradient
Determine the lateral acceleration gain if velocity is 55 mph Use equation 10