1 Long Term Retention of Product Model Data Ben Kassel Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited
2 Nobody really knows what data they want until they need it, and then it may be too late Who wants product data… What data do they want … When do they want it? Product model data is required to support an early stage design process within NAVSEA and evaluate a detail design developed at a shipyard. Assuming the product data exists, how do you get it where it is needed? Native format or neutral format? The reality is neither is sufficient. The delivery of product model based technical data packages to the Navy
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 3 Product Model data is the combination of 3D geometry and non-graphic attributes to define ship objects such as a piece of equipment, deck, bulkhead, etc. Product Model data can be organized to define interim products and ultimately the entire ship. Advocates anticipate substantial economies from Product-Model-based design, construction, and service-life support activities due to better integration and reduction of engineering effort to locate, verify, and transform information. Part & System Definition (Caterpillar 3512, Starboard Main Engine, Propulsion System) Design Definition (12 cylinder 4 stroke diesel engine ) Physical (Geometry, material connections, etc.) Engineering Definition (1175 HP, 6464kg, 170mm bore, 190mm stroke) Process Definition (Starting instructions, shaft alignment) Logistics Support (FGC, SCLSIS, etc.) Digital Product Model Data A brief review
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 4 Product Model data is the foundation for the Virtual Environment. Design visualization depends on Product Model data. The quality of the output products produced in support of pre milestone B activities are greatly improved when derived directly from Product Model data. The level of complexity of the product, consistency of the design, accuracy, and precision during detail design and construction are all greatly enhanced because of the Product Model data. The time and effort required to analyze the product is greatly reduced when Product Model data is integrated into the process. Logistics activities are beginning to see advantages of accessing information from the Product Model. Digital Product Model Why does it matter? Early stage design, contract design, detail design, construction, and logistics support all benefit from an accurate, up to date Product Model!
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 5 Digital Product Model Data … its more than just design and construction The Digital Product Model can support the entire ship’s lifecycle. The DPM should be the primary source of data for all pre milestone B activities. The DPM should be used by NAVSEA to validate the design during the Detail Design and Ship Production phases. The DPM should be the authoritative source of data in support of the Situation Incident Room upon delivery of the ship. The DPM should be the authoritative source of data for technical manuals, training.
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 6 Shipbuilder involvement Core data Concept years Design & Construction Evaluations & applications of core data Retirement In-service Commissioning Origination of the data The design spiral is actually a convoluted path
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 7 Long Term Retention of Weapon System Data What types of data? 3-D Geometry engineering properties associative relations analysis data process definition logistics definition manufacturing data work breakdown structure product structure links to M&S links to documentation drawings models photographs manuals
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 8 ShipConstructor -AutoCAD based -Equipment below main deck -Structure below main deck -Distribution Systems below main deck RhinoCAD -Molded Forms -Compartmentation -Equipment SolidWorks -Deckhouse Structure LEAPS -NAVSEA Product Model Repository -Integration tool Long Term Retention of Weapon System Data Native system data sources
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 9 Product structures are related Production / Design hierarchy A collection of parts that are used together as portion of a functional system A single component that is fabricated or purchased A fully operational weapon system that is comprised of multiple functional systems to complete the intended mission A collection of parts & sub- assemblies that operate together to accomplish a specific task Part Functional System Subassembly Weapon System
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 10 Ship Product Model Data Geometry
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 11 Ship Product Model Data Non Graphical Attributes
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 12 Product Model Data Definition and Exchange Product Structure Assembly Breakdown System Breakdown
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 13 Link to external interfaces Internal interface names (e.g., C100023) Metadata (Photos, Drawings) Drawings External interface names Internal interfaces names Photos Link to external interfaces Internal interface names (E10023) Metadata (Photos, Drawings) Intra system connections DataSWBS Architectures Level Top Level (System of Systems) System (Ship) Sub - System Com- ponent 070, 080, 090, 402, 407, , 020, 030, , 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, XX, 200XX, 300XX, 400XX, 500XX, 600XX, 700XX Top Level Schemas Long Term Retention of Weapon System Data
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited Propose the data exchange specifications necessary to transform TWR data organized under a previous task. Convert that data to AP239 in accordance with the data exchange sets. –Develop all of the data exchange specifications necessary to define all data organized and associated with STEP AP214 files under a previous task. –The AP239 data exchange specifications are to be in accordance with OASIS and ISO guidelines. –Convert the data using the AP –Deliver electronically to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Transcontinental Persistent Archive Prototype (TPAP). The data shall be delivered and organized using a product structure File structure, and attributes to be associated with each file proposed by the contractor and approved by the government. The data shall be delivered in accordance with instructions provided by the NARA Center for Advanced Systems and Technologies Organize TWR model / data to support data specification demonstration FY2010 TASK DESCRIPTION Long Term Retention of Weapon System Data
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 15 Archiving Ship Product Model Data STEP AP239, DEX, and RDL An examination of the ‘state of the industry’ in data exchange has revealed that the neutral file data exchange technology developed to meet the needs of the shipbuilding industry is not available. An informal survey of government, commercial shipbuilders, and product model software suppliers reveals this capability will not be available in the foreseeable future. This led to the decision to AP203 and AP214 to define geometry, and AP239 for non geometric data. A team consisting of leaders in the subject of Product Life Cycle Support using STEP were assembled to develop the infrastructure required to support the application of Data Exchange Specifications, Reference Data Libraries, and AP 239 to represent ship product model data. Charlie Stirk of CostVision Incorporated will provide a brief overview of their collaboration.
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 16 Product Model Data and Exchange Current Policy DON Policy stipulating that product model data should be delivered in STEP format NAVSEA instruction for the development, maintenance, and acquisition of product model data
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 17 Uses of the Digital Product Model Vice Admiral Sullivan’s vision 5. For life-cycle support to delivered ships, NAVSEA needs tools that can, within hours, provide engineering analyses regarding the effects of damage, grounding, or other incidents. Tools are also needed to facilitate modernization planning and design; End-of-Service Life predictions; effectiveness analysis with respect to changing threats and tactics; and force architecture studies.
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 18 Uses of the Digital Product Model Vice Admiral Sullivan’s vision 6. Accomplishing these ambitious goals will be a challenge, but is essential for crafting affordable, executable ship programs in an increasingly complex national security environment. Previous Navy design tool investment has resulted in the Advanced Ship and Submarine Evaluation Tool (ASSET) for total ship synthesis, and the Leading Edge Architecture for Prototyping Systems (LEAPS) for integrating a wide range of analysis tools in a common data environment. Future tool development should build upon these foundations, adding capability to meet the goals outlined in this memorandum. With few exceptions, tools development should require interoperability with LEAPS.
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 19 Uses of the Digital Product Model Rear Admiral Eccles affirmation
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 20 Product Model Data Definition and Exchange Our immediate challenges Implementations of shipbuilding application protocol translators by the commercial CAD vendors, analysis, other tool suppliers, the shipyards, and NAVSEA is for all intensive purposes non-existent. The Ship Common Information Model defines the minimum information that must be maintained within an IPDE and the format needed to exchange it to enable effective interoperability. It does not provide a means for storing or exchanging data. Resources available to develop translator software are not readily available.
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 21 Provide guidance for the acquisition of product model and related technical data. This instruction applies to product models and technical data derived directly from the product model such as engineering analysis, bills of material, and drawings. This instruction implements the DON POLICY ON DIGITAL PRODUCT/TECHNICAL DATA issued in 2004 and the NAVSEA SHIP DESIGN AND TOOLS GOALS issued in This instruction does not specify a format explicitly, but instead requires Navy stakeholders to reach consensus on the definition and delivery of product model data. Balances cost, data utility, and data exchange technology. NAVSEA Instruction A Acquisition and Management of Product Model and other Technical Data Ship and ship system design, acquisition, and fleet support activities shall procure and accept product model data in accordance with ISO 10303, Standard for the Exchange of Product model data (STEP) format, native Computer Aided Design (CAD) files, and/or Leading Edge Architecture for Prototyping Systems (LEAPS) format. This should be based on solutions that provide the best technical and cost performance as determined by a NAVSEA business case analysis.
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 22 Product Model Data Definition and Exchange A NAVSEA perspective A two level approach for the exchange of product model data First level : Second level : Support configuration management, logistics support, provisioning, spares, and repairs through the use of STEP for geometry, product structure, non graphical attributes, and to manage configuration items of the as-built / as-maintained ship. Deliver the as-designed class model of 1)molded forms suitable for defining a general arrangement 2)scantling level of detail of structure to support structural (and other types of) analysis 3)functional distributed systems model (i.e. path, components, and connections) 4)compartmentation, including accesses, opening, and tightness 5)plates, stiffeners, brackets, collars, and other structural components as parts 6)distributed system components, fittings, and equipment as parts.
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 23 The Digital Product Model shall be delivered in both a native and neutral format. The neutral format shall comply with the Department of the Navy Policy on Digital Product/Technical Data dated 23 October ISO Part 214 shall be used to define the Digital Product Model geometry. ISO Part 239 shall be used to define product structure, the relationship between objects, and configuration management data. The Builder shall provide a list in the PPM 1 of each data exchange specification (DEX) that will be used to support the ISO Part 239 exchange. In the event the contractor can demonstrate the need for an additional DEX, then the contractor shall develop a NAVSEA approved DEX. 1 Process and Procedures Manual Implementing the Policy Ships Specification 098 – 3D Product Model
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 24 Solving translator availability Small Business Innovation Research Topic N ATA Engineering Inc. : CostVision Inc. : Develop processes and interface tools to enable the bi- directional transfer of product model data between shipbuilders during the design and construction life cycle phases, and the delivery of the as-built product model to the Navy using a set of proprietary data exchange classes, independent of any standard but built around the LEAPS data models, since LEAPS is the target data repository. Develop processes and interface tools to enable the bi- directional transfer of product model data between shipbuilders during the design and construction life cycle phases, and the delivery of the as-built product model to the Navy using PLCS DEX (Product Life Cycle Support Data EXchange Specification) open source technology, and extend them to the integrated shipbuilding design and analysis environment. Translators can be developed by the supplier of the tool, the user or a third party. In order to increase the options available to the Navy shipbuilding industry, an SBIR was awarded to two companies.
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 25 Product Model Data Definition and Exchange The preferred solution IT DOES NOT REALLY MATTER One approach directly generates data that complies with an ISO standard ….. well sort of! geometry is defined using STEP AP203 and AP214 data exchange specifications are based on STEP AP239 data exchange specification may be managed by NAVSEA 05 reference data may be managed by NAVSEA 05 requires an AP239 translator One approach generates proprietary data ….. well sort of! data classes are proprietary geometry is defined using STEP AP203 and AP214 PLCS data is treated as any other data source AP239 translator can be developed, if warranted by a business case requires a ShipPDX translator Both solutions can generate PLCS data for long term archival. Both solutions can support end to end data delivery. Both solutions can implement the Ship Common Information Model.
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited Cataloged and organized all data developed over the span of the NARA project such that it can be delivered in accordance with instructions provided by the NARA Center for Advanced Systems and Technologies. Generated STEP AP214 data for every TWR part modeled in ShipConstructor. Extracted non-graphical attributes for every TWR part modeled in ShipConstructor. Develop data exchange specifications and reference data libraries to represent the ship product model and other technical data developed during the NARA project. FY2010 Accomplishments … and a setback Were not be able to deliver the non graphical attributes, product structure, and system connections using STEP AP239. However, all of the information required to relate intelligence to the geometric part, define the product structure, and define system connectivity has been extracted from the ShipConstructor database to EXCEL spreadsheets. That data in conjunction with the approximately 3000 STEP AP214 can be converted into useful data by NARA researchers. It will also be a straight forward task to generate the AP239 files.
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 27 Expand on the ISO STEP model R&D effort and enhance the benefit to DoD and NARA by answering the question, “How should digital three dimensional (3-D) models be handled in S1000D? Technical Data Support Information (e.g., TMs, Training, etc)?” Research/identify technology for making the connection/relationship between S1000D Data Modules and Product Data Models and archiving the data. Ensure life-cycle model exchange and archival between Industry, Armed Services and NARA as per U.S.C. 44 § Create a test case to demonstrate the connection/relationship Identify acquisition language needed to support the connection/relationship Future Plans