The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service CFOA Performance & Improvement Strategic Overview Susan Johnson CFOA Director Performance & Improvement
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service CONTEXT Public spending pressures – doing more with less Emerging language – public value, control shift, radical transformation, progressive reform, post bureaucratic age Required savings of £30bn from public sector over next 3 years Operational Efficiency – Bichard et al - £148bn of savings by 2013 Redefining efficiency e.g. Total Place; Value and quality up and costs down
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Priorities ~ compete? Health & Education are the priorities.. Need to compete for funding? Pensions.. Potential re recruitment/ industrial relations issues?
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service ‘Devolve power’ Repair public trust in the political system / transparency (Lab/Tory July ‘09) Devolve power to citizens at local level (Demos July ‘09) LA to become ‘place shapers’. “Achieving positive,sustainable outcomes for their communities” (Lab July ‘09) Democratic deficit (public value) (Lab)
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Progressive politics More power to the people structural changes … ‘Control shift’ (Tory) Office for Civil Society –expand role of voluntary orgs and charities / ROI (Tory) Decentralise / Abolish quangos / Power shift to LA & citizens (Tory & Lab) ‘Post-bureaucratic’ age / SMART incentives / Reduce burden of regulation / use new technologies (Tory) Outcome & result focused not targets (Tory)
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Changing public services Inequalities widening – CAA Recession – greater demand, less resources Risk is changing – fire fatalities Public ‘tolerance’ of public servants Increase value to taxpayer Shape of public service delivery changing – LGPIHA, Total Place Community engagement and empowerment
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Changing public services Audit and assessment – sector led improvement Greater expectations nationally and locally Future structure changes – schools, health, police Political instability/Government Change Industrial relations – postal workers, London Underground, SYFRS, bin collectors
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service What are the core drivers We are in a world of the jazz sheet rather than the symphony score Anticipating the seismic shift in context and environment Agility and flexibility
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service The future The future is absolutely unknowable … Any widely held vision of the future must therefore be a delusion. Agreement Certainty Technical/rational decision making Simple structures Effective procedures Monitoring/coordinating Providing direction Measuring performance Saying yes to the mess Encouraging connectivity Fostering diversity Challenging habits and assumptions Supporting initiative Reducing power differentials Keeping people motivated Enabling performance Near Far Close to Far from Pull
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Challenges Contracting to our core statutory duties What value partnerships? Driving rather than responding to performance assessment Maturity of the sector Building expertise Improvement methodologies Defining our value
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Focus of P&I Directorate Leading through a recession – strategic options facing FRS’s Sector led improvement framework Accelerating innovation and efficiency Define our value in place shaping – being ready for Total Place Understanding our performance and what excellence looks like
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Focus of P&I Directorate Responding to changes in duties and obligations Promoting integrated risk assessment and risk management Build professional standing of corporate support
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service P&I Directorate Structure Three areas – P&I, Assets and Resources, Governance P&I Board –Strategic guidance on sector led improvement –Engaging with regions and nations –Influencing next evolution of CAA/OpA –Intelligent client for improvement support –Commissioners of research –Develop approaches to benchmarking
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Questions/Discussion