ProofreadingTechniques: A Learning Commons Digital Workshop Proofreading Techniques: A Learning Commons Digital Workshop Slideshow Instructions: Slideshow Instructions: Speaker IconUpper Left Corner Click the Speaker Icon in the Upper Left Corner for the audio track that accompanies each slide. Arrow Icon Lower Right Corner Click the Arrow Icon in the Lower Right Corner to advance to the next slide. Left Arrow Key – OR – Use the Right Arrow Key to advance and the Left Arrow Key to go back.
Objectives To learn the importance of proofreading To learn what mistakes are commonly made To become familiar with different techniques to aid in proofreading
Proofread Why Proofread? easily avoidable mistakes. Nothing is worse than spending hours working on a paper, only to lose points due to easily avoidable mistakes. maximize your grades Being a strong proofreader will help you maximize your grades on writing assignments. proofreading skills Your proofreading skills can also help friends and classmates who may need you to look over their work.
ProofreadingProblems Common Proofreading Problems Too familiar Too familiar with your own work time Not enough time to proofread quickly Proofreading too quickly Reliance Reliance on Spellcheck
Mistakes Common Mistakes Spelling Punctuation Sentence Structure Basic Grammar
ProofreadingTechniques Proofreading Techniques timeproofread before Always make time to proofread your assignment before you turn it in. Do not Do not wait until the last second to start writing. Take your time while proofreading. rushoverlook mistakes. If you rush through your paper you may overlook mistakes.
ProofreadingTechniques Proofreading Techniques while after finish Proofread a while after you finish writing. too familiar you may read over mistakes. If you are too familiar with what you have written down you may read over mistakes. Do NOT relySpellcheck Do NOT rely on Spellcheck or similar programs.
ProofreadingTechniques Proofreading Techniques out loud. Read your paper out loud. read it to you. Or have a friend read it to you. Catching mistakes easierhear them Catching mistakes can be easier when you hear them instead of read them. proofreadingbe there with them. If someone else is proofreading your work, be there with them. questionshow to fix it. They may have questions about your meaning and you can discuss what went wrong and how to fix it.
ProofreadingTechniques Proofreading Techniques double spaced rough copy Print out a double spaced rough copy that you can make marks on. Do it all again. never proofreadtoo many times. You can never proofread too many times. take a break then revisit it. If you are still uncomfortable with your work be sure to take a break and then revisit it.
Practice errors Find the errors in the following paragraph: ◦It is importnat to proofread you’re entire paper. If you do not do a through job, you may miss some errors. Missing errors may negatively effect your grade. Once you believe you have found all of the errors, move to the next slide.
Solution incorrect red The incorrect portions of the paragraph are marked in red: It is importnat to proofread you’re entire paper. If you do not do a through job, you may miss some errors. Missing these errors may negatively effect your grade. corrected blue The corrected words are marked in blue: It is important to proofread your entire paper. If you do not do a thorough job, you may miss some errors. Missing these errors may negatively affect your grade.
Kurzweil Program Kurzweil If you are looking for some extra proofreading help, the Kurzweil program may be for you Work can be scanned into the program, and then can be read back to you This allows you to catch mistakes by ear that you may have missed when reading Learning Commons Kurzweil Each computer in the Learning Commons is equipped with Kurzweil
Works Cited "5 Most Common Grammatical Errors." YourDictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 July 2015.
ThankYou Thank You for viewing This concludes our lesson. improve your writing Learning Commons. If you have any other questions, or if you are interested in more workshops to improve your writing, please visit your campus’s Learning Commons.