Unit 306: Planning Essential Skills Learning - Literacy
Objectives Discuss how we can plan lessons to differentiate more effectively Explore a range of learning strategies Plan at least one differentiated task
Why differentiate? Learners bring with them diverse backgrounds and experiences. For example, Jones (2006) reflects on learners’ ability, prior learning, learning speed, social and cultural background, maturity and individual preferences.
Why differentiate? Tomlinson (2001) summarises differentiation in this way: “Differentiation allows students multiple options for taking in information, making sense of ideas, and expressing what they have learned. A differentiated classroom provides different avenues to acquiring content, to processing or making sense of ideas and to developing products so that each student can learn effectively.”
What can we differentiate? Activity In small groups list the aspects of a lesson that can be differentiated
What can we differentiate? Learning outcomes/objectives Teaching methods Level Tasks Resources Interest /context Support Feedback
By outcome By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to (include all, most, some as appropriate) Knowledge Compare Describe State Knowledge Compare Describe State Skills Manipulate Assemble Connect Skills Manipulate Assemble Connect Attitude Determine Decide Accept Attitude Determine Decide Accept
By resource Equipment/materials Books Magazines/journals Handouts Internet Moodle IWB You Tube Images/photos Video/DVD/CD
By support Classroom support Basic Skills support Study skills Group work Pair work Writing frames Templates Tutor style Check understanding Learner-led activities free up the teacher to become ‘the guide on the side’. The more autonomous the learners become, the more time the teacher has to observe, engage in learning conversations and get to know each learner, so that their particular support needs can be met.
By task Less confident learners benefit from bite-sized, progressive tasks, where each step builds on the successful step before, but maintain challenge. More confident learners need challenge and opportunities to move at a faster pace and extend their learning.
By response Peer assessmentSelf assessment Verbal responsePresentations PostersMulti-choice Structured responseEssays, reports Practical tasksMatching Cutting upRanking Sorting
Teaching Strategies Group work/pair work Sequencing/card sorts Games/quizzes/puzzles Questioning Spectacles Carrousel Peer/self assessment Project or problem based learning
References Jones, C. (2006) From theory to practice: using differentiation to raise levels of attainment. Learning and Skills Network. Tomlinson, C. A. (2001) How to differentiate in mixed- ability classrooms. 2 nd ed. Alexandria, VA. (2006) LSN Quick start guide: Differentiation [available online at documents/qs_differentiation.pdf]