Apex Dispatch (Orders for today, tomorrow, next few days) Vehicle Dispatching Weigh Master Customer Service
Central call center takes orders for multiple plants with real time connectivity to Local Dispatch at each plant Central Dispatch Plant 1 Plant 2 Plant 3 Central Call Center
Central Dispatch: Connectivity is the key Central system or good data replication – CITRIX central server is best solution – WAN always-on network with very good connectivity and data moves one direction only
One plant handles all function for itself, 1 or more people, OR receives dispatches from central call center Local Dispatch Plant 1
Central or Local Dispatch transfers from sales order unique dispatch scheduling data
Sales Order sales order dispatch info
Vehicle Demand Calculated
vehicle status: assigned or ticketed Drag & Drop Vehicles to Dispatch
Vehicle Assignments When vehicle quantity met, assignment complete; else continues When vehicle assignment complete, goes to next assignment
Load List: Original Delivery Times
Order Dispatch Vehicle Status (drag & drop) Vehicle Schedule
Dispatch Schedule: ALL Dispatch Orders / ALL Locations » Each user creates as many views as desired » Rearrange columns, customize colors » Sort column by priorities » Set time alarms completed Committed On Hold Will Call priority alarms
Dispatch Schedule Inquiry – Same Easy Filters Select load or summary info View summary loads/qty per view
Vehicle Demand Graph / Plant
Location Demand Graph
Move or Copy to Other Dates
Standing Orders easy Daily Orders
Weigh Master & Dispatch vehicle selection automatically completes ticket screen
Weigh Master & Dispatch If vehicle has multiple dispatches assigned, highest priority used, although other assignments available. A different vehicle may be assigned to the dispatch, but this change does not update central dispatch. Plant would need to advise of change to prevent over shipment.
Dispatch Stacks with AutoID Assigns Multiple Assignments per vehicle 4 loads to A 10 loads to B 2 loads to C A B C
Tickets (and images) Displayed
Local Dispatch One plant- self contained Central Dispatch Central call center schedules multiple plants COMMANDtrack with either
COMMANDtrack (Dispatch Manager Program / GPS Optional) automated vehicle assignments & tracking with optional signaling interface
Four Main Windows Trucks Tracking Orders Messages pop-up hints
Trucks In Service Trucks Out of Service Trucks In Plant Trucks Late Trucks Returning Trucks Available Trucks Unavailable Trucks by Status Multiple Truck Windows to Display Double click to open vehicle screen
Dispatch Order Tracking Window displays trucks on their trips (GPS, by time, drag & drop) define conditions (at lunch, call me. etc.) launch other Apex screens: Dispatch Order, Ticket. Truck view dispatches: today/yesterday/tomorrow /specific date
Drag/Drop Trucks to Assign a Ticket
COMMANDtrack: Orders Window Display Orders to Load All orders.
Assignments Displayed
Message Truck (Signaling Unit) Predefined specific
Flexible UI includes Dockable/Pinnable Windows
Configurable Event and Tracking Logic
Search Options: Sort Options: by truck by order Order number Load time Plant order code Plant start time Plant load time Customer name Order quantity Start time
User Configurations Defined/Saved Display / Hide / Arrange Windows Pin/ Unpin Windows – Pinned windows always display – Unpinned default to tabs and opened by mouse Dock or Undock to move outside COMMANDtrack User specified colors Trucks Carriers Orders Plants Conditions
Display Options per User Plants hover options
Tool Tip Options
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Technology.NET Technology SQL Server 2005 or later Microsoft MSMQ messaging Dispatch Event Service – Communicates between COMMANDtrack and Apex – Auto Signaling moves trucks on Dispatch Order times Optional Vehicle Signaling Service: Trimble