Developing Teaching and Learning in Work Based Learning Consortia Julie Guzzo Assistant Director Hair and Beauty - Coleg Cambria Inspire Innovate Succeed
ILPs Differentiation Cymraeg Links to industry Literacy Assessment for Learning ESDGC Using technology Numeracy Active learning
Inspire Innovate Succeed How the consortium worked Transparent practices across the Consortium Sharing and challenging best practice Shared observations and shared moderation Contextualised holistic learning Common set of paperwork
ILPs enabling progress Individual regularly reviewed Target setting with the learner at the centre Linking BKSB and marking to target setting – feedback loops. Improved feedback to learners Planning effective learning Detailed SOW develop clear programme of learning with all themes included and regularly reviewed All learning needs embedded into learning planning Planning effective learning model for teaching, includes focus on Assessment for Learning and reviewing learning Learning Innovation Teachers innovating using technology and investing across the consortium to facilitate active/ peer learning Encouraging mobile technology in and outside the classroom How can we improve the progress learners make?
Inspire Innovate Succeed Vehicle to Success = Triangulation of the EILP Employer Assessor Trainer/Mentor ‘’They utilise e-ILPs and diagnostic tools effectively to develop a range of training packages that meet learner needs well. Nearly all trainer-mentors effectively support learners’ literacy and numeracy skills by using a wide range of resource packs and mobile devices.” “These learners make very effective use of individual learning plans (ILPs) to plan and monitor their own learning and set short term targets with their tutors and trainers.” Learner
Inspire Innovate Succeed What did our learners look like?
What about Literacy? “ The majority of learners have developed good levels of competence in correcting their own work and improving their literacy skills. These include the effective use of dictionaries, mobile phone applications and subject-specific ‘literacy express’ booklets with literacy prompts and bilingual technical terms.” “The literacy support given to learners by the Consortium staff is of an exceptional standard”
What about ESDGC? “Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC) is effectively reinforced throughout the training programmes, and as a result many learners demonstrate good knowledge of the principles of the topic.” Contextualised throughout the SOW Links to local business to make recommendations for sustainable development
What about ESW? Contextualised ESW delivered by vocational team members Consistent marking and annotating of learners work BKSB - IA & skills gaps that link to SOW/learning activities “Learners are able to explain clearly how the projects help them in developing their numeracy skills and their employment prospects” Trainer-mentors, assessors and teaching staff have a very strong focus on developing learners’ literacy and numeracy skills. Literacy and numeracy are delivered very well and are effectively integrated into all vocational subject areas.
What about the Welsh Context? Learning through the Welsh context Welsh language skills Links to local businesses and the surrounding area ‘’Most learners are able to communicate a few basic phrases in Welsh and to use limited Welsh terminology related to their vocational area. A very few learners complete their assessment through the medium of Welsh. ‘’
What about Skills? Highly commercial salons – Centres of Excellence for Dermalogica, Wella and CND All areas used by learners used as learning areas embedding cross cutting themes Curriculum model and implementation High challenge for learners “Welcoming environment. In particular, the commercial salons are of a high standard.”
Key points for our consortium’s success: Trust/ clear leadership & vision – leads to true partnership working Sharing best practice and strengths Challenging each other to improve Focus on learning A clear understanding and remit for improving outcomes and progress in learning, Impact on Learning One observation process focussed on the impact on learning and progress made by learners, with all consortium members observing across organisations. This informed: Training and development across the consortium Best practice sharing Critical self assessment Targeted resource investment – ILP tool, BKSB tool and e-technology
What Estyn said: the senior management team has a clear strategy and vision of what the consortium needs to do to achieve excellence in all aspects of its work; the consortium has developed outstanding quality in teaching, training and assessment; the literacy support given to learners by the consortiums staff is of an exceptional standard; and all staff effectively use the comprehensive and detailed learner progress tracking system not only to record progress, but also to identify learner support needs across all aspects of the programme, plan interventions and monitor the effectiveness of support.’ Trust and vision Clear focus Impact on learning