2015 – 2016 Academic Session Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program Updates
Gifted Program History (SPACE) Consultative in grades K – 5 for regular classroom services Weekly pull out for gifted identified students in grades 3 – 5 Identification based on matrix Teacher assignment based on gifted population at given school 3
Gifted Program Considerations for Improvement What are our strength areas? Where should we improve? Formal and Informal Input Sources: – Nationally known expert / consultant – District Level Specialists – Principals – Gifted and Classroom Teachers Consent Order allows us to address equity concerns, retain our most effective services, and add more services to increase support 4
Gifted Program Enhancements: Overview New name: GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) Revised identification system: Online Screening (CogAT and SRBCSS) streamlines process, Achievement and Aptitude considered, based on RtI model, case studies reviewed by Identification Committee quarterly Identified Students receive individualized pull out instruction (AEP) PreK through 5 th grade Talent Development Program – collaboration with regular classroom teachers; older students mentor younger students by modeling academic excellence Teacher assignment based on whole school population 5
6 Gifted Screening Process for Huntsville City Schools – 2 nd Grade Child Find Administer CogAT to 2 nd grade Administer SRBCSS to top 1/3 of 2 nd grade based on STAR scores and grades Create case study* and submit to Gifted PST (school level) Create list of 2 nd grade students: Top 10% CogAT Top 50%ile SRBCSS Top 10% STAR test Using local school norms School PST assesses each case, makes submissions to HCS Identification Committee Identification Committee Receives and reviews case studies Makes RtI recommendations based on evidence May ask for additional evidence Identifies Gifted Students Using district norms * Case studies also include evidence of creativity, multiple intelligences, leadership, divergent thinking, empathy, etc.
GATE Pullout Services Advanced Education Plan personalized to student’s strength areas – Problem Based Learning – Real World and Career Connectivity – Processes and Products standards based, beyond grade level – Projects and Activities enhance Math, ELA, and other subject areas Culturally responsive classroom climate includes Mindsets, 7 Habits of Highly Effective Students, and Character Traits for Success embedded throughout all curriculum Problem Based Learning: culturally responsive, real-world, student- driven projects facilitated by gifted teacher 7
GATE Talent Development Services PreK-1st grade Talent Development Program: Gifted Teacher teaching in PreK-1st classrooms to support gifted identification in 2nd grade K-5th Grade Collaboration and Talent Development: at minimum 8 lessons (common district-wide, rigorous extensions of Standards) each semester per grade level, team teaching with regular classroom teacher, embedded data collection of gifted traits of all students in class as part of ongoing talent development Mentoring: Older students mentor younger students regarding GATE, advanced classes, and achievement 8
What is Collaboration between Gifted and Regular Teachers? Includes both the gifted and the regular teacher in planning and implementation Standards-Based Documentation of each lesson collects data on advanced learners supporting Talent Development Program Regular Teacher and Gifted Teacher switch roles as teacher and data recorder Enhances support of differentiation for gifted and advanced learners throughout the day, every day 9
HCS Provides a Multifaceted Approach to Gifted Services Includes resource room pull-out services to build upon each student’s unique strengths The Gifted Teacher becomes a resource for every classroom teacher to support gifted learners every day, throughout each day Talent Development Program further develops every child’s talents within the classroom – Talent Development will be rigorous – Supports identification of previously underserved populations – Structured in a way to develop all students 10
Reporting District-wide Data Warehouse - Gifted population will be compared to whole population for under-represented population proportionality: Goal is demonstration of HCS closing the excellence gap* Data collection at school level- Progress Monitoring of student accolades and achievement including meeting AEP goals/outcomes; Goal is retention in honors, AP, and IB classes, closing the excellence gap moving into secondary and collegiate years *Mind the (Other) Gap! The Growing Excellence Gap in K-12 Education Jonathan A. Plucker, Ph.D. Nathan Burroughs, Ph.D. Ruiting Song February 4,
Efficacy and Accountability Gifted Advisory Committee Gifted Identification Committee Gifted Pullout Curriculum Committee Talent Development & Collaboration Curriculum Committee Local School Team: Principal, Gifted Teacher, and Gifted Coordinator essential to positive outcome at each school Advanced Education Plan Team: Parent/Guardian, Gifted Teacher, and Regular Classroom Teacher 12
Gifted Program Enhancement Outcomes GATE supports and facilitates entry to Honors, IB, and AP classes; goal is closing the excellence gap GATE teachers support whole school GATE provides not only the appropriate content that advanced and gifted learners need but the stretch that may allow middle students to shine, too. 13