ROMEO AND JULIET Pre-Reading Survey
DIRECTIONS Read each statement. Decide if you: strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with each statement. Then, write the statement in the appropriate box on your worksheet. Read each statement. Decide if you: strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with each statement. Then, write the statement in the appropriate box on your worksheet.
My family is incredibly important to me. STATEMENT #1
Boyfriends or girlfriends are more important than family. STATEMENT #2
I’ve been in love before. STATEMENT #3
It’s wrong to keep secrets from your parents. STATEMENT #4
Girls fall in love faster than boys. STATEMENT #5
Teenagers don’t know what true love really feels like. STATEMENT #6
It is important to spend a lot of time with someone to make sure that you love him/her before you marry him/her. STATEMENT #7
A boyfriend or girlfriend is worth killing yourself over. STATEMENT #8
People should be at least 16 before they have a serious boyfriend or girlfriend. STATEMENT #9
You should know someone for at least one year before you marry him/her. STATEMENT #10
Family feuds lead to stronger relationships. STATEMENT #11
Your parents should approve of the people that you choose to date. STATEMENT #12
If my parents didn’t like my boyfriend or girlfriend, I wouldn’t date him/her. STATEMENT #13
If my parents didn’t like my boyfriend or girlfriend, I wouldn’t marry him/her. STATEMENT #14
Arranged marriages make life easier. STATEMENT #15
Children should trust parents to make the right choice in finding a husband or wife for them. STATEMENT #16
I would continue to date a person my parents HATED. STATEMENT #17
Teens should not get married. STATEMENT #18
If I am attracted to someone, I’ll find a way to see him or her even if my parents tell me not to. STATEMENT #19
It is possible to die of a broken heart. STATEMENT #20
It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. STATEMENT #21
Being separated from one you love is worse than death. STATEMENT #22
It is better to take love slowly than to rush into things and act on impulse. STATEMENT #23