County Health Rankings Health Council, April 11, 2013 Presented by Haydee A. Dabritz, Ph,D. Yolo County Epidemiologist
Yolo County population growth - 20% in past 12 years
Yolo Co. has a diverse population Latest estimate of size (ACS 2011): 202,054
Disparities in household income Source: ACS yr estimate
Background Two different reports recently released: RWJ Foundation (nationwide) – variety of health indicators: deaths before age 75, HS graduation, unemployment, access to parks/healthy foods, air quality CDPH (California) – snapshop of CA’s 58 counties vs. state vs. HP2020 for chronic and infectious disease
Yolo County in the rankings RWJ weights the health indicators Yolo County is #5 in California Why? Lower premature deaths & preventable hospital stays Fewer people with poor/fair health More people with health insurance Fewer people smoking
Progress in maternal & infant health High breastfeeding rates C-section rates lower than state Fewer premature births (<37 wks) Fewer low birthweight infants Low teenage pregnancy rates
Health insurance and clinical care,
Preterm, low birthweight and teen births – percentage of live births
Yolo County teen birth rates, California
But there are areas of concern… High unemployment Increasing poverty Disparities by city and race/ethnicity High prevalence of obesity in ALL age groups
Many of these factors are social determinants of health Education Household income Race/ethnicity Place/neighborhood
Unemployment and children (<18) in poverty
Childhood Poverty by City,
Health behaviors Smoking – trending downward, only 7% of adults in Yolo County vs. 14% in CA Binge drinking – trending downward but about 1 in 6 adults (17%) reported this behavior in the past month
Obesity – a major problem, affects many health outcomes 6 million Californians (about 16%) are obese – costs $28B annually Related to chronic conditions (diabetes, asthma, autoimmune disease, heart disease); 38% of Californians have one Increased risk maternal risk for C-section, gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia Increased risk for breast cancer
The staggering cost of chronic disease Chronic conditions account for: 60% of CA’s healthcare costs ($51B) 80% of hospital admits 90% of prescriptions 75% of doctor visits Source: CDPH Center for Chronic Disease Prevention & Health Promotion, Online% pdf
Overweight/obese 9 th grade (Yolo) children by race/ethnicity,
Obesity in women of childbearing age (15-44 years), (CHIS)
Prevalence of diabetes in Yolo County mothers,
Live births by delivery type and pre- pregnancy BMI, Yolo County, 2012
We have work to do! Increase physical activity Increase servings of fruits/vegetables Reduce consumption of sugary drinks Improve access to full-service grocery stores in impoverished areas Make healthy behaviors a lifelong habit