For more than 115 years, the AUHSD has developed the future business and civic leaders of Anaheim, Buena Park, Cypress, La Palma and Stanton 90% of our seniors graduate with plans for either higher education or to begin their professional careers We strive to enhance all of our students’ ability to excel at 21st century skills and obtain high-paying jobs
In July, the AUHSD Board of Trustees voted to place a $249 million bond on the November 2014 ballot If approved by voters, Measure H would create a dedicated revenue source for needed upgrades and improvements to AUHSD’s classrooms and facilities to meet 21 st century safety and academic standards
The AUHSD has identified more than $1.2 billion in needed school repairs and classroom and facility upgrades Campus facilities were built between years ago 129 buildings have never been upgraded Safe schools, and updated technology infrastructure and equipment, are vital to preparing students for their future educational goals and jobs in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts (Innovation), Math) fields
Help prepare students for their future careers, as new science labs and technology will enhance students’ daily learning experiences and allow them to attain greater achievements Position the AUHSD to compete, attract and retain the award- winning teachers who provide the great education our communities’ students need and deserve Create local jobs through construction at neighborhood junior high and high schools Strengthen communities throughout the AUHSD district through updated schools
The AUHSD has maintained its campuses to ensure a safe learning environment, but state budget cuts have reduced the amount of repairs and upgrades we can make to classrooms and buildings If approved by voters, the bond would be paid by property taxes estimated not to exceed $30 per $100,000 of assessed valuation for approximately 25 years
Funding from Measure H would focus on: Maintaining clean and safe drinking water Repairing deteriorating bathrooms and leaking roofs Enhancing disaster safety measures such as fire-safety systems and earthquake retrofitting Replacing and installing new campus security equipment to strengthen student safety Providing students with career and technical knowledge through new science and technology hubs
All Measure H money would be spent on improving classroom safety and educational equipment No money would go to administrators’ salaries/pensions Protected by law from being taken by Sacramento politicians Includes strict accountability requirements: Citizens' Oversight Committee of local residents has already been established to provide extra layer of accountability and transparency and ensure that what is being promised to voters can be delivered Annual independent financial and performance audits
For more information about Measure H, please visit: To get the most updated information directly, you can subscribe to updates by contacting Patricia Karlak at
Thank you! We look forward to engaging students, parents, businesses, and community members in the months ahead with additional information about Measure H - The Classroom Repair and School Safety Bond.