Social Media Safety
Discuss O As a class discuss the different types of social media and what it is used for.
Types of Social Media Snapchat O A photo messaging application that enables the user to take pictures, record videos, add texts and drawings, and send them to a list of recipients. O Facebook O A popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues O
Types of Social Media Twitter O a free social networking microblogging service that allows registered members to broadcast short posts called tweets. Twitter members can broadcast tweets and follow other users' tweets by using multiple platforms and devices. O
Types of Social Media Instagram O a free online photo sharing and social network platform that allows members users to upload, edit and share photos with other members through the Instagram website, , and social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Foursquare and Flickr. O
Other Types of Social Media
Discuss O The benefits to having and using social media.
Benefits of Social Media O 1. Communication with friends and family members; can comment on life events O 2. Ways to update on one’s life without a phone call or a letter O 3. Can contact people they haven’t talked to or heard from in awhile
Benefits of Social Media O 4. Allows for self expression O Art, music and political ideas O 5. Helps develop self-identity O 6. Useful as a classroom tool
Discuss O The dangers of social media
Risks/Dangers of Social Media O Cyber bullying O Inappropriate content O Sexting O Online Predators O Breaking Laws
Using Social Media Safely O 1. Know usernames and passwords of the sites your children use /monitor use O 2. Speak about proper use of social media and what not to post and/or respond to from someone else (think about the consequences) O 3. Things can’t be permanently deleted
Using Social Media Safely O 3. Only communicate with people you know and trust O 4. Keep it public O Computer(s) and tablets need to be used in a public area in the home O 5. Talk about it O “Friend” your children/parents O Get involved O 6. Locate and know privacy settings Talking to Kids and Teens About Social Media and Sexting. (n.d.). Talking to Kids and Teens About Social Media and Sexting. Retrieved March 10, 2014, from Sexting.aspx Netzsmartz for Parents and Children
Ages O What the minimum age is that can use social media?- Discuss. O Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit, Snapchat - 13 years O LinkedIn is –14 years O WhatsApp it’s 16 years O Vine it’s 17 years O YouTube – 18 years – (13-17) with parents permission.
Discuss - What can we do O What can we do to keep safe and stop bullying occurring? O What do you think sanctions will be for negative behaviour online?