Essential Elements for Life Chart
C12,13 H1,2 O16,17,18 P31 K39,41 I127 Symbol of Common element Isotope
Symbol Isotope N14,15 S32,33,34,36 Ca40,42,43,44,46,48 Fe54,56,57,58 Mg24,25,26 B10,11 Mn55 Cu63,65
Symbol Isotope Zn64,66,67,68,70 Mo92,94 to 100 Cl35,37 Co59
SymbolCategory Cnonmetal H O P K Alkali metal
I Halogens N nonmetal S Ca Alkaline earth metals Fe Transition metals
Mg Transition Metals B Metalloid Mn Transition Metals Cu Transition Metals Zn Transition Metals
Mo Transition metal Cl Halogens Co Transition metals Si Metalloid Ni Transition metal Se nonmetal Na Alkali metal
C sugars, nutrient groups H Part of all nutrient groups, water. O Part of all nutrient groups, O2 respiration P Bones, cell function, energy synthesis K Regulation of ATP
I Thyroid hormones N Found in proteins (CHON) S form amino acids Ca bone, form blood cells, cell health Fe blood, proteins Mg bones, ATP processing
B Utilization of calcium & vitamin D Mn cofactor in enzyme function Cu component of many enzymes Mo antioxidant enzyme ingredient Cl stomach acid, cellular functions
Co Synthesis of vitamin B12 Se antioxidant enzyme ingredient Na electrolyte, ATP regulation Zn enzyme formation
A mnemonic to remember the elements needed by life. See Hopkins Cafe managed by my cousin MoCl and Company
CHOPKINS CaFe Mg B Mn CuZn MoCl & Co Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus, Potassium Iodine, Nitrogen, Sulfur, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Boron, Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Molybdenum, Chlorine, and Cobalt (This is the warm up, and will be the scan tron test on elements)