Health Impact Assessment Maximising the impact of 2014
Health Inequalities in Glasgow 3X more likely to die of CHD or bronchitis 3X more likely to die of breast cancer 2X more likely to die of lung cancer 4X more likely to suffer from a psychiatric disorder 2.5X more likely to die before 65 A child born in Drumchapel compared to a child born in Kelvinside is likely to be: Born underweight Live ten years less 2X more likely to die before its first birthday Drumchapel Kelvinside
Our least healthy communities are unlike our healthy communities in every way
Healthy, Successful Glasgow
Unhealthy, Struggling Glasgow
The changing proportion of adults in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde who are overweight or obese between 1995 and 2003 (Source: Scottish Health Surveys)
Source: ISD 2006; data extracted from child health systems project which takes data from 10 health boards (includes Greater Glasgow for preschool, but does not include Greater Glasgow for schoolchildren)
Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games: Aspirations I This investment will….contribute to the key objectives of improving the health of our population particularly around physical activity, smoking control and the prevention of obesity. These in turn will contribute also to overall levels of confidence,wellbeing and mental health...” Glasgow 2014 CMG Candidate City File
Health Improvement Legacy: The Challenges I “This investment will…contribute to the key objectives of improving health” “No previous host nation has shown any improvement in health, activity levels or lifestyle” Dr Richard Budgett, Chief Medical Officer, London 2012 Games-related health benefits are not a given
Health Improvement Legacy: The Challenges II “improving the health of our population particularly around …the prevention of obesity.” Scotland’s obesity levels second highest in the developed world Obesity levels increased before and after the Sydney Olympic Games (increased TV watching of sports during/after Games) London 2012 Aquatic Centre… “Most seats are 46cm to 47cm wide, but people are getting bigger. Most temporary seats in future will be 50cm wide.” Jeff Burke, Project Consultant, London 2012
Influencing Legacy using HIA Health Impact Assessment is an impartial, systematic, consideration of the likely health and wellbeing consequences of implementing a policy, plan or project Assumes understanding of the wider determinants of health (transport, economy, culture, regeneration etc) Inform decision-making, promote community health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities HIA provides meaningful community engagement in local decision making
What should be included in an HIA? Major disparities in health Greatest scope for improving the public’s health lies outside the control of the NHS Determinants of health Transport, housing, employment, the environment, education, cultural and leisure activities Reducing health inequalities in Glasgow will require a cross-cutting approach to health improvement HIA
Values of HIA Equality Sustainability Participation Ethical Use of evidence Effective use of resources A broad view of health Impartiality
A Glasgow and a Scottish Legacy? The benefits to the economy, the environment and employment The need for long term maintained behaviour change Mass participation in physical activity Minimise potential widening of inequalities.
Employment opportunities for All Increased Participation in Sport Equitable, Sustainable benefits A Green Games Improved health and wellbeing X X Inequitable, Unsustainable Poor Carbon Footprint “Unhealthy” Sponsorship No effect on Public Health
Apologies East End Vox Pop video cannot be attached…. Video: Courtesy of Accidental TV & Faith in Community (Scotland)