The Defense of Christian Marriage American Association of Christian Counselors Orlando, Florida April 13, 2012
The Thriving Parent Marriage / Child Relationship
The Non-Thriving Marriage / Child Relationship
Annual Rejection Ratio: For Every 100 Children Born Sources: CDC/ NCHS report series Divorce OWB
“Rejection/Ambivalence Ratio” for Every 100 Children Born Children Aborted Children of Divorce Children born out of Wedlock Source: National Center for Health Statistics data and Alan Guttmacher Institute data
International Rejection Ratio Taiwan China Macedonia Croatia Japan New Zealand Serbia and Montenegro Switzerland Slovakia Portugal Netherlands Georgia Lithuania Slovenia Czech Republic Canada United States Finland France New Calcedonia Denmark Sweden El Salvador Uruguay Jamaica U S A
Number of Non-Marital Sexual Partners Versus Percent in an Intact Marriage Source NSFG 1995
The More Sexual Partners the More Likely to Abort Source NSFG NUMBER OF NON MARITAL SEXUAL PARTNERS IN LIFETIME Percent who have abortions later
Non-Marital Sexual Partners and Out-of-Wedlock Births Source: CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, National Survey of Family Growth, % 16.29% 32.89% 40.02% 44.02% 42.66% 49.45% 49.99% 47.55% 55.21% 49.89% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Virgin at Time of First Marriage Had Pre- Marital Sex with First Husband Number of Lifetime Voluntary Non-Marital Sexual Partners Percent of Sexually Active Women Aged with Children
Non-Marital Sexual Partners And Single Motherhood Source: CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, National Survey of Family Growth, % 30.21% 36.48% 38.81% 44.16% 53.07% 48.13% 47.03% 50.30% 56.98% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Number of Lifetime Non-Marital Sexual Partners Percent of Sexually Active women Aged with Children
Virginity By Family Structure Source Add Health, 1996
Father Rated Warm and Loving Source: National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health Wave 2, 1996
Female Homosexuality
% FAMILY STRUCTURE DISTRIBUTION AT FIRST BIRTH (women 15-44) : United States, 2002 (NSFG) Female respondent file or pregnancy file
Percentage of men years of age who have ever cohabited or are currently cohabiting, by education: United States, 2002 Male file
Probability of first marriage for men and women years of age, by age : United States, 2002 Female respondent & male files
The More Sexual Partners the More Likely to Abort Source NSFG NUMBER OF NON MARITAL SEXUAL PARTNERS IN LIFETIME Percent who have abortions later
3.93 Million Children 3.17 Million Children 0.75 Million Children Unmarried ParentsSame Parents Married Source R Rector: Analysis of CPS 2001 Children in Poverty In Poverty Out of Poverty
$100 $27 $ Comparative Income % Average Unmarried MalePremiumAverage Married Male Marriage Premium in Male Income Source Antovics, K. & Town, R. Am Econ Review V 94, (2004) pp =
Yearly Income, 2000, Families With Children $54,000 $50,000 $30,000 $23,000 $20,000 $9,100 $9,400 $0 $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 First MarriageSecond(+) Marriage CohabitationDivorcedSeparatedWidowedNever Married. Note: Figures do not include transferred income
Median Net Worth of Families With Children Under 18, 2000 Source: Survey of Consumer Finance, 2001 $120,250 $105,360 $27,800 $20,540 $16,540 $14,850 $350 $0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 $120,000 $140,000 First MarriageSecond(+) Marriage DivorcedWidowedCohabitationSeparatedNever Married
Average GPA Enligsh/Math Combined INTACTSTEPCOHABIT (BOTH NATURAL) COHABIT (ONE NATURAL) DIVORCEDNEVER MARRIED GPA English/Math by Family Structure Source: Adolescent Health Survey, Wave I. Adolescents grade 7-12.
Average GPA Enligsh/Math Combined WEEKLY+MONTHLY+<MONTHLYNEVER GPA (English & Math) by Religious Practice Source: Adolescent Health Survey, Wave I. Adolescents grade 7-12.
Percent distribution of births in the last 5 years to men and women years of age, by wantedness of the child at the time of conception: United States, 2002 Female pregnancy file and Male file
Highest education attained Percent childlessPercent with 3 or more children Percent of women aged who are childless and percent who have 3 or more children ever born, by education: US, 2002 Female respondent file
Percent Percent of males who have ever fathered a child, by age: US, 2002 Male file
Percent Impaired fecundity compared with 12 month infertility among married women 15-44: US, Trend analysis using female respondent files
Percentage of fathers years of age who did the specified activity every day in the last 4 weeks with their children under 5 years old, by whether or not they lived with their children: United States, 2002 Male file
Females Males Percent sexually experienced, by age: never-married teens 1995 and 2002 Female respondent & Male files
Percent Percent of males and females who had their first intercourse before age 20 by how much they wanted it to happen when it did: US, 2002 Percent ACASI file
Pregnancy rates for teenagers by age: US, Trend analysis based on NSFG, natality, and AGI data Pregnancies per thousand years years years
Percentage of men and women years of age who agree or strongly agree with the statement, “It is all right for unmarried 18 year olds / 16 year olds to have sexual relations if they have strong affection for each other”: United States, 2002 Male file and female respondent file
Percent Year of first intercourse Percent of women who used a method of contraception at their first premarital intercourse, by year of first intercourse: US, Female respondent file
Percent Female Sterilization OC Pill Injectable (Depo) Calendar Rhythm & NFP Male Condom Male Sterilization Implant, Patch, Lunelle IUD/ Diaphram Withdrawal Other Current Contraceptive Users by Method Female respondent file
Female SterilizationPill Percent Percent of women years of age who are currently using a specified method of contraception, by education: US, 2002 Female respondent file
Percent Age at Interview Percent of women who received 1 or more family planning services from a medical care provider in the last 12 months, by age: US, 2002 Female respondent file
Percent Total years years years years years Note: Data are for unmarried males who reported ever having sexual intercourse. Males who have ever gone to a family planning clinic with a female partner: US, 2002 Male file
Percent of males and females years of age who have had each type of sexual contact: US, 2002 ACASI file
Strong Society / Economy
Belonging: Male + Female Family Child / Adult FatherMother Society At Large
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