ASQ-3 HMG Home Visiting July 2014
Discussion points What is developmental screening What are the basic features of the ASQ-3 When should you adjust for prematurity Scoring the ASQ-3 How to communicate with parents Adding the results in Early Track FAQs
What is a Developmental Screening? Administration of a brief standardized tool that aids the identification of children at risk of a developmental delay. Developmental screening does not result in either a diagnosis or plan but rather identifies areas in which a child’s development differs from others in his age range.
Why is regular developmental screening important for families? Regular developmental screenings give parents a better understanding of their child’s general development. Provides a road map for growth and development in the early years Provides early discovery of any concerns/delays Provides timely support of needed services Provides reassurance
What is the Ages and Stages Questionnaire Developmental screening tool that assesses and follows children’s development from 2 to 60 months of age. Set of questionnaires that look at how children are doing in the areas of communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving and personal-social. Can help identify the child’s strengths as well as any areas where the child may need support.
The Questionnaires The Questionnaire intervals: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 24 (3 months) 27, 30, 33, 36 (6 months) 42, 48, 54, 60 Parents complete the questionnaires. Completion time is 10 to 15 minutes
The Questions 6 questions in each area Questions start easy and increase in difficulty to end at typical skills for that age Parents will respond “Yes”, “Sometimes”, “Not Yet” Written at a 4 th to 5 th grade reading level
Adjusting for prematurity Adjusting for prematurity is necessary if a child was born more than 3 weeks before his or her due date and is chronologically under 2 years of age Use the ASQ-3 Age Calculator to determine which questionnaire should be used
ASQ-3 Age Calculator In the example above, since the child was born 5 weeks early, the 14 month questionnaire should be given to the parents.
Communicating with parents before the screening This is a tool that we routinely use to check a child’s development The first 3 years of a child’s life is a time where they gain many skills We want to help you follow your child’s growth and development.
Screen with ASQ-3 in 3 Simple Steps Step 1: Try the items/answer the questions Parents can easily try activities with their child 3 responses: Yes, Sometimes, or Not Yet Step 2: Score the questionnaire Professionals score in just 2-3 minutes Step 3: Get the results Copy the child’s scores to the information summary page Interpret results and determine follow-up
Step 1: Try the items
Step 2: Score the Questionnaire
Step 3: Get the Results
ASQ Score Interpretation Above cut-off points Provide follow-up activities Close to cut-offs Provide follow-up activities to practice specific skills Rescreen Below cut-off Refer for further evaluation
Communicating Results Validate parents concerns Do not diagnose—review purpose of the screening Avoid terms such as “test”, “pass” or “fail” Review and explain the area scores Emphasize child and family strengths Provide information on resources Offer ongoing support
Adding ASQ information in Early Track
Demographics page There are 2 places on the Demographics page where you enter information about a child being born early
ASQ-3 Age Calculator Always use the age calculator for any child born more than 3 weeks before his or her due date and who is chronologically under 2 years of age
Home Visiting Tools Detail Before entering the ASQ scores, the ASQ page will have only one question *Were there any concerns
Home Visiting Tools Detail In the example above, the child scored a 30 in Communication and the cut-off for his/her age is When this occurs, the question *Was a referral made to another program must be answered.
Home Visiting Tools Detail If a child scores below the cutoff, they must be referred, with parent permission, to early intervention for an evaluation.
Home Visiting Tools Detail When you answer yes to the question *Was a referral made to another program, the question *Which program will have to be answered.
Time/Activity The information about the referral is entered on the Time/Activity page.
Time/Activity Referral outcome is Not Eligible (child is not eligible for EI services, Eligible—Receiving service (child is receiving EI services), Family no longer interested (family declines EI evaluation or EI program).
FAQs I don’t always score the ASQ 3 when I am in the home. Is this a problem? The ASQ should always be scored at the home visit so that the results can be discussed with the parents during that home visit. If the child is in HV and EI, do we need to continue administering the ASQ? No, you do not need to continue administering the ASQ since the child is receiving EI services.
FAQs When should the age calculator be used? You must use the age calculator then the child is born more than 3 weeks before his or her due date and is chronologically under 2 years of age. We also recommend that you use the age calculator for all children to help determine which questionnaire should be given to the parents.
FAQs Why do I get an error message when I try to enter ASQ scores in ET? You will get an error message if the incorrect ASQ (based on the child’s age) was administered. It is very important to always use the age calculator when determining which questionnaire should be given to the parents. This is especially important when a cancelled visit has been rescheduled and the child may need a different ASQ because of his/her age.