Luke 2:11 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. NIV
Why did God send His Son as a Baby?
Babies Amaze Us Millions of miles are driven every year to visit new babies… Nearby Shepherds and Magi from afar traveled many miles to see the Baby Jesus… With each birth comes new hope and dreams for a brighter future and a better world… “Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19
Hospitals build special rooms to display them…
Absolute Purity & Hope ….Our problem becomes an opportunity….
Everything they do is cute…
Even when they cry…
They bring us such JOY
Well, I was thinking…
You forgot what!
My Mommy Loves Me…, really
Earth’s Angels
Even eating is a new experience!
Not a mean bone in their little bodies…
They know what they want…
How do you not say, “Ahhhhhh!”
The Event Most of us call it Christmas… We really don’t know the exact date, but we know it was real and it changed the world… Many of the traditions that many of us celebrate today have pagan roots…
God is the original gift giver… Today as we give and receive our gifts let’s not forget what God has given us… Unto us a Child is born… Luke 2:11 But to each one of us Grace has been given…, Ephesians 4:7 We have different gifts, according to the Grace given us… Romans 12:6 Now about spiritual gifts … and He gives them to each one, just as He determines… 1 Corinthians 12
God Commands us to share the gift… Have you given the most precious gift that you can to your loved ones? Have you shared the GOSPEL? Let’s not lose the opportunity afforded us by this event that we celebrate today…
Have you unwrapped God’s gift to you yet? We unwrap the gift through our obedience to the Gospel, baptism… Another precious gift that God gave us was to allow His Son to die on a cross for us… The gift is meaningless unless you receive it…