An Equal Opportunity University University of Kentucky College of Medicine Rural Physician Leadership Program Campus Expansion Update April
An Equal Opportunity University
Rural Policy Research Institute Center for Applied Research and Environmental Systems High School Graduates
An Equal Opportunity University
An Equal Opportunity University NCI State Cancer Profiles
An Equal Opportunity University
County Health Rankings 2016: Kentucky
An Equal Opportunity University Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) are designated by HRSA as having shortages of primary care, dental care, or mental health providers Trover MHD KYCOM
An Equal Opportunity University Medically Underserved Areas/Populations are areas or populations designated by HRSA as having too few primary care providers, high infant mortality, high poverty or a high elderly population.
An Equal Opportunity University Driving Forces 2014 Kentucky Rank 36 active physicians/100K population 40 active primary care physicians/100 K 22 % active physicians who are IMGs 26 % active physicians who are ≥60 yo 2015 State Physician Workforce Data Book (AAMC, November 2015)
An Equal Opportunity University Figure 1.3. Active Primary Care Physicians per 100,000 Population by Degree Type, 2014
An Equal Opportunity University Figure 1.3. Active Primary Care Physicians per 100,000 Population by Degree Type, 2014
An Equal Opportunity University Driving Forces 2014 Kentucky Rank 36 active physicians/100K population 40 active primary care physicians/100 K 22 % active physicians who are IMGs 26 % active physicians who are ≥60 yo 11 % MD students matriculating in-state 12 % UME students retained in-state
An Equal Opportunity University Driving Forces Kentucky will need many more doctors in the future UK COM has difficulty creating family physicians (4/118 in 2016) UK COM does not have clinical capacity for further expansion in Lexington
An Equal Opportunity University Mission UK white paper November 2007: “The program will be designed to increase the number of physicians who are trained to provide high-quality health care, who are knowledgeable about community health, and who will address the acute shortage of physicians in rural areas of the Commonwealth."
An Equal Opportunity University Where to start? “If the problems are in the community, the solutions are in the community.” -Gil Friedell MD University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center
An Equal Opportunity University RPLP Principles Take a young person from a rural community Educate them in the community Return them to the community
An Equal Opportunity University The Hospital: St. Claire Regional Medical Center
An Equal Opportunity University Education at St. Claire 1963UK resident affiliation, UK Med students 1971MSU Registered Nurse program 1973MSU Radiology Technologist program 1982Designated Northeast AHEC site 1986Rowan Vo-Tech Respiratory Therapy program 1987Pharmacy Residency Program 1995UK/MSU Physician Assistant Program satellite campus 2002UK/St. Claire Family Medicine Residency 2006(M)SU Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist Program 2008UK Rural Physician Leadership Program 2010First U Pike KY COM graduates 2012First RPLP graduates 2013AOA Family Medicine Residency
An Equal Opportunity University The Curriculum
An Equal Opportunity University First Year Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb.MarAprilMay Anatomy Physical Exam Foundations of Molecular Medicine Winter Break Musculoskeletal & Integumentary Physical Exam Neuro science Physical Exam Behavioral Basis of Medicine Hematologic & Lymphatic Introduction to Clinical Medicine 1 Interviewing and Communication Skills Foundations of Ethical Decision- Making Longitudinal Clinical Assignments Introduction To Clinical Medicine 1 Cultural and Social Aspects of Healthcare Healthcare Disparities Longitudinal Clinical Assignments
An Equal Opportunity University Second Year Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb.MarAprilMay Respiratory Renal & Urinary Cardiovascular Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Winter Break Endocrine & Reproductive Multisystem & Integrative Vacation USMLE Step 1 Contemporar y Practice EBM Public Health Healthcare Systems Introduction to Clinical Medicine 2 Advanced Physical Examination Skills Introduction to Clinical Medicine 2 Clinical Reasoning & Decision-Making
An Equal Opportunity University Third Year JuneJulyAug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb.Mar.AprilMay Internal Medicine Emergency Medicine Psychiatry Neurology Ob & Gyn Winter Break Family Medicine Peds Surgery M3 Capstone
An Equal Opportunity University Fourth Year JuneJulyAug.Sep.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb. Marc h April Primary Acting Internship Vacation USMLE Step 2 Elective Vacation/Interviews Elective Winter Break Secondary Acting Internship Elective AHEC Rotation Transition to Residency Course Graduation
An Equal Opportunity University RPLP INNOVATIONS
An Equal Opportunity University Admissions Boot Camp
An Equal Opportunity University Morehead State University Certificate in Health Systems Leadership –6 Modules –4 weeks/module –Monthly Face-To-Face Meeting –Continue Community Engagement Project M3 Year
An Equal Opportunity University Summary Substrate—teaching community hospital with adjacent regional university dedicated to health education Admissions—focus on rural and underserved area applicants Curriculum—community focused. Business and leadership skills. Monitor outcomes—maintain accountability
An Equal Opportunity University
5.12 Required Notifications to the LCME Any major modification of medical curriculum; or any changes in the affiliation status of the program’s clinical facilities. Prior notification if it plans to increase entering medical student enrollment in existing regional campuses above 10 percent, or 15 medical students in one year or 20 percent in three years; or to start a new or to expand an existing regional campus.
An Equal Opportunity University 1.4Affiliation Agreements The educational program for all medical students remains under the control of the medical school’s faculty, as specified in written affiliation agreements that define the responsibilities of each party related to the medical education program.
An Equal Opportunity University Such agreements provide for, at a minimum the following: Student access to appropriate resources for student education The primacy of the program’s authority over academic affairs and student education/assessment The role of the medical school in the appointment and assignment of faculty members The responsibility for treatment and follow-up when a medical student is exposed to an infectious or environmental hazard or occupational injury The shared responsibility of the clinical affiliate and the medical school for creating and maintaining an appropriate learning environment
An Equal Opportunity University 10.2 Final Authority of Admission Committee The final responsibility for accepting students to a medical school rests with a formally constituted admission committee. Faculty members constitute the majority of voting members at all meetings.
An Equal Opportunity University RPLP Admissions Slogan
An Equal Opportunity University Admissions Process Local committee, local physicians and business people Standardized academic rankings Advisory function to UK admissions committee Trust relationship
An Equal Opportunity University The Students: Admissions Geography
An Equal Opportunity University 2012
An Equal Opportunity University 2013
An Equal Opportunity University 2014
An Equal Opportunity University 2015
An Equal Opportunity University 2016
An Equal Opportunity University 2017
An Equal Opportunity University 2018
An Equal Opportunity University 2019
An Equal Opportunity University 2020 Somerville, SC Boulder, CO Huntington Beach, CA Oxford, OH State College, PA Cincinnati, OH Windham NY Paoli, IN El Paso, TX Nolensville,TN Cleveland, OH Tippecanoe, IN Middlesex, MA Wayne, NC New Hartford, NY Clinton, IA
An Equal Opportunity University Standard 11: Medical Student Academic Support, Career Advising, and Educational Records A medical school provides effective academic support and career advising. All medical students have the same rights and receive comparable services.
An Equal Opportunity University 12.4 Student Access to Health Care Services Provide students timely access to needed diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic health services at sites in reasonable proximity to the locations of their required educational experiences
An Equal Opportunity University 12.5 Non-Involvement of Providers of Student Health Services in Student Assessment The health professionals who provide health services, including psychiatric/psychological counseling, to a medical student have no involvement in the academic assessment or promotion of the student.
An Equal Opportunity University 2.6 Functional Integration of the Faculty At a medical school with regional campuses, the faculty at each campus are functionally integrated by regular meetings and/or communication, periodic visits, participation in shared governance, and data sharing.
An Equal Opportunity University 3.1 Resident Participation in Medical Student Education Each medical student participates in one or more required clinical experiences conducted in a health care setting in which he or she works with resident physicians.
An Equal Opportunity University 4.5 Faculty Professional Development A medical school provides opportunities for professional development to each faculty member in the areas of discipline content, curricular design, program evaluation, student assessment methods, instructional methodology, and or research to enhance his or her skills and leadership abilities in these areas.
An Equal Opportunity University 5.6 Clinical Instructional Facilities/Information Resources Each hospital or other clinical facility affiliated with a medical school that serves as a major location for required clinical learning experiences has sufficient information resources and instructional facilities for medical student education.
An Equal Opportunity University 5.11 Study/Lounge/Storage Space/Call Rooms Medical students have, at each campus and affiliated clinical site, adequate study space, lounge areas, personal lockers or other secure storage facilities, and secure call rooms if students are required to participate in late night or overnight experiences.
An Equal Opportunity University 6.1 Program and Learning Objectives The faculty define its medical education objectives in outcome-based terms that allow the assessment of students’ progress in developing the competencies of a physician. The medical school makes these medical education program objectives known to all medical students and faculty.
An Equal Opportunity University 6.7 Academic Environments 7.9 IP Collaborative Skills The faculty ensure that medical students interact with students enrolled in other health professions, graduate and professional degree programs… These curricular experiences include practitioners and/or students from the other health professions.
An Equal Opportunity University 8.1 Curricular Management A medical school has in place a faculty committee that oversees the medical education program as a whole and has responsibility for the overall design, management, integration, evaluation, and enhancement of a coherent and coordinated medical curriculum.
An Equal Opportunity University ****8.7 Comparability of Education/Assessment A medical school ensures that the medical curriculum includes comparable educational experiences and equivalent methods of assessment across all locations within a given course and clerkship to ensure that all medical students achieve the same medical education program objectives.
An Equal Opportunity University 9.4 Assessment System A medical school ensures that, throughout its medical education program, there is a centralized system in place that employs a variety of measures (including direct observation) for the assessment of student achievement
An Equal Opportunity University 9.7 Formative Assessment and Feedback The medical school's curricular governance committee ensures that each medical student is assessed and provided with formal formative feedback early enough during each required course or clerkship to allow sufficient time for remediation. Formal feedback occurs at least at the midpoint of the course or clerkship.