Warm-up and Review Take out your sheet on Supply and Demand from yesterday then answer the following- 1. State the Law of Demand. 2. State the Law of Supply. 3. What happens when the supply and demand are equal? 4. What are some synonyms for shortage? 5. What are some synonyms for surplus? 6. Tell about compliments and substitutes. List some examples.
Types of Business Sole proprietorship- a business owned and managed by a single individual According to the IRS 75% of all businesses in US are sole but these generate only about 6% of US sales
Types of Business- Sole Proprietorship Advantages Easy start-up (business licenses, site permit, name of business) Sole receiver of profit Full control of business Easy to discontinue Not subject to special business taxes Disadvantages Unlimited personal liability Liability is a legally bound obligation to pay debts- Sole proprietors are bound to all of their business debts Limited access to resources Limited life- business lack permanence beyond the life of the sole proprietor
Types of Business continued… Partnerships- a business organization owned by two or more persons who agree on a specific division of responsibilities and profits
Types of Business- Partnership Advantages Easy start-up Shared decision making Specialization- each partner can bring his or her talents Larger pool of assets- helpful when the business needs to borrow money Not subject to special business taxes Disadvantages Unlimited liability Each general partner is bound to debt incurred and responsible for paying this debt General partners do not have absolute control over their business Potential for conflict
Types of Business continued… Corporations- a legal entity owned by individual stockholders Stockholders own shares of stock- a certificated ownership in a corporations Stockholders are part owners of the corporation.
Types of Business- Corporations Advantages Limited liability for owners Transferable ownership- owners can sell stock and get money in return Long Life- business does not end with the death of the owners More potential for growth Disadvantages Expensive & difficult to start up Double taxes Corporations pay taxes on income Stockholders receive dividends (profits paid out to stockholders) Dividends are also taxed Potential loss of control by the founders- Board of Directors usually run corporations More legal requirements and regulations
Types of Business continued… Multinational Corporation- a large corporation that produces and sells its goods and services throughout the world
Types of Business- Multinational Corporation Advantages Provides jobs and products around the world Efforts to spread new technology around the world Increase standard of living in many poor countries Disadvantages Low wages Poor working conditions
Other Business Organizations Some business operate on a “not for profit” basis Examples- Churches, hospitals, social services institutions Cooperatives- an association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise
Other Business Organizations Franchise- A large company allows an entrepreneur to open and manage an individual location of the business Examples-
Corporate Combinations Horizontal Merger- joining of two or more firms competing in the same market with the same good or service Vertical Merger- joining of two or more firms involved in different stages of producing the same good or service Conglomerate- merging of more than three businesses that make unrelated products
TAKE 2- Take 2 minutes to tell your elbow partner about the different types of businesses. Follow these steps- 1. Partner to the left describe a sole proprietorship 2. Partner to the right describe a partnership 3. Partner to the left describe a corporation 4. Partner to the right describe a multinational corporation
Labor Productivity- the value of output Unskilled labor- requires no specialized skills, education or training Examples- dishwashers, many factory workers, janitors, farm workers Semi-skilled labor- requires minimal specialized skill and education Examples- short order cooks, some construction workers, lifeguards
Labor continued… Skilled labor- requires specialized abilities and training to do tasks Examples- mechanics, bank tellers, plumbers, firefighters, chefs, carpenters Professional labor- demands advanced skills and education Examples- managers, teachers, bankers, doctors, lawyers, actors, computer programmers
Wage Discrimination Wage discrimination occurs when people with the same job, same skills and education, same job performance, and same seniority receive unequal pay Women and minorities are among those who have experienced wage discrimination
Labor Unions Labor Unions- an organization that tries to improve working conditions, wages, and benefits for its members Right-to-work Laws- a measure that bans mandatory union membership (NC is a right-to work state) Collective Bargaining- the union and company representatives meet to negotiate a new labor contract
Strikes and Labor Tactics Strike- organized work stoppage intended to force an employer to address union demands
Strikes and Labor Tactics continued... To avoid strike, a third party may be called in to settle a dispute Mediation- neutral mediator meets with each side to try to find some solution; Decision reached by the mediator is nonbinding Arbitration- a neutral third party reviews the case and imposes a decision that is legally binding for both sides
Strikes and Labor Tactics continued... Picketing- striking workers walk outside a business to prevent anyone from entering Boycott- the refusal to buy goods or services from a particular company as a way of protesting
Work Time! Use the rest of the class to work independently. You may work on one of the following using BYOT or a school computer. Notes (Due tomorrow) Business Plan Project (Due Friday) Study Guide (Due Wednesday) Vocabulary (Due Thursday) You may not sit and talk or work on another assignment!