Grade/Subject Liberty Middle School – EDI LO: Students will be able to identify the first two political parties 1 and the major issues that concerned them. APK: Today, we have two main political parties, Democrats and Republicans. They often disagree about how to manage the government, and often run candidates 2 against each other. Connect APK to LO: (T) But, we did not always have Democrats and Republicans. So, what were the first political parties, what basic viewpoints did they share, and how are they important to us today? Let’s find out! 1Political party: A group that shares ideas about government and works to get people elected. 2Candidate: someone trying to get elected to a government position 1 academic vocab definition Pair/ Share: What are we going to do today?
Grade/Subject Liberty Middle School – EDI Concept Development: The first two political parties were the Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton, and the Democratic-Republicans, led by Thomas Jefferson. The two political parties had different viewpoints about many different topics. Fill in the blanks and draw a simple picture in your notes to represent each key issue. The first one has been done for you: Just as they often do today, the debates became quite heated. Our first president, Washington, even worried that political parties themselves were a threat to our new government. The “spirit of party,” he said, could tear the young nation apart. It was natural for people to hold different opinions, Washington said. But he warned against the dangers of passionate loyalty to parties. What should the role of the federal government be versus the states? Pic: How should America handle its foreign policy 3 ? Pic: How should America handle its economic policy 4 ? Pic: What should America do about all of its debt from the Revolutionary War? Pic: 3 foreign policy: how America deals with other countries. 4 economic policy: how America handles money and business. Pair/Share: Do we still debate some of these issues today? Which ones have you heard about in the news recently? Pair/Share: A’s Who led the Federalists? B’s Who led the Democratic-Republicans? Pair/Share: Do you think Washington’s concerns were right? What would be the benefits and drawbacks to forming political parties?
Grade/Subject Liberty Middle School – EDI Skill Development/Guided Practice: Use your notes to complete the following. 1.Who was the leader of the Federalists? Who was the leader of the Democratic- Republicans? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2. List some issues that the first two political parties would have argued about:________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
Grade/Subject Liberty Middle School – EDI Relevance: Why is it important that we learn about political parties? 1. So that we can begin to form our own opinions of what we think should be done in our government and what parties we might identify with. 2. So we can understand the background of key debates in politics in the news today. 3. It will be on the test.
Grade/Subject Liberty Middle School – EDI Closure / Exit Ticket: The first two main political parties were the _____________________ and the __________________- ________________________.