The Cuban Missile Crisis Analysis of the Negotiations Which Led to Nuclear War Being Averted
Background Players U.S., Soviet Union, Cuba Setting October 14-24, 1962 Cuba Soviet Union and Cuba placed nuclear missiles on Cuban territory secretly. U.S. saw this as a clear and present danger so wanted the removal of them. Threatened military action and situation escalated dangerously close to an attack on Cuba.
7 Elements of Negotiation
Relationship U.S.U.S.S.R.Cuba U.S. -contentious since end of WWII. -idealogical differences -strained further by U.S. missiles close to U.S.S.R. border -bad because of U.S.’s failed attempt at overthrowing gov’t -ideological differences U.S.S.R. -strained relationship remained after the end of WWII -common ideology -both have issues with U.S. for different reasons Cuba -strained because of attempts to remove Castro gov’t -common ideology -both have issues with U.S. for different reasons Strained relationship led to a very adversarial negotiation where each side did not trust the other. U.S. and U.S.S.R. were the main parties in the negotiations.
Communication Several different channels were used: Announcements, speeches in the media telegram letters Face-to-face negotiations Indirect communications Ex. Brazilian government was asked to pass a message to Castro Towards the end of the crisis, there were constant messages by telegram. Khrushchev also wrote President Kennedy letters trying to resolve the situation
Interests vs. Positions U.S. wanted to protect their national security Preserve strategic balance of power Preserve perception of U.S. internationally and at home Wanted removal of missiles Soviet Union Protect their national security (U.S. missiles in Italy and Turkey Shift balance of power Preserve socialism in Latin America Cuba Protect current regime Preserve socialism in Latin America Guard against further U.S. threats Installed missiles to achieve these ends
Options U.S. discussed five possible options: Do nothing Use diplomatic pressure to get the Soviet Union to remove the missiles. An air attack on the missiles. A full military invasion Naval blockade of Cuba Decided on a naval blockade not allowing any ships suspected of carrying weapons materials This option was seen as better than a full out attack on Cuba which might have led to further military excursions U.S. decided to apply technique of forceful coercion which entailed blockade and political pressure as well as build-up of military forces to show strenth
Alternatives I believe the U.S.’s BATNA was a full scale military attack to remove the weapons in Cuba which they were reluctant but prepared to do. They could not back down after the situation escalated and Cuba and the U.S.S.R. did not concede. I believe the U.S.S.R.’s BATNA was to remove the weapons although they would face considerable embarrassment. The reason is that I do not think they were willing to engage in war over this situation. The U.S. was mobilizing its’ forces and was on the verge of attacking so they seemed to be more motivated than the Soviets in using any method possible, even if that meant military action, to remove the missiles.
Standards How fairness and objectivity were achieved: Through discussion with diplomats from other countries and high ranking officials United Nations involved as trustedneutral party to monitor negotiated terms
Commitments The following is what was agreed to: 1) Removal of weapons from Cuba under United Nations observation and supervision; and undertake, with suitable safe-guards, to halt the further introduction of such weapon systems into Cuba. 2) Through establishment of adequate arrangements through the United Nations, to ensure the carrying out and continuation of the following commitments: (a) To remove promptly the quarantine measures in effect (b) To give assurances against the invasion of Cuba This was agreed to through formal letters and also reinforced through the Security Council.
Conclusion Nuclear war was averted through the negotiation process. Both sides did not want to engage in nuclear war and they kept the lines of communication open until the deadline Although they argued and disagreed they continued their dialogue looking for a mutually agreeable solution