SNAP Continuous Improvement Forum Session 3 Different Approaches to BPR
Housekeeping Items:Housekeeping Items: –Close other programs running on your computer –Submit questions online throughout for Q&A at end of session –Keep phone on mute during webinar; lines will be unmuted during Q&A Speaker: John Beakes, III, MS, MASpeaker: John Beakes, III, MS, MA –Director, Business Process Reengineering –Led successful BPR transformations in Federal, State and local government as well as health care, service & manufacturing industries One Stop Career CentersOne Stop Career Centers State Department of LaborState Department of Labor Veteran’s AdministrationVeteran’s Administration City GovernmentCity Government Hospitals, Health Systems, Offices, Factories, Distribution Centers, etc.Hospitals, Health Systems, Offices, Factories, Distribution Centers, etc. Session Introduction
Identify BPR approaches that are feasible/suitable for respective Colorado countiesIdentify BPR approaches that are feasible/suitable for respective Colorado counties Understand how BPR can be employed in a county administered program environmentUnderstand how BPR can be employed in a county administered program environment Session Objectives
Focus on the customerFocus on the customer RespectRespect –Everyone can be a problem solver Continuous improvement mindsetContinuous improvement mindset Relentless focus on the elimination of wasteRelentless focus on the elimination of waste Spend time where value is added for the customerSpend time where value is added for the customer Use dataUse data Principles are Universal
Dramatic improvements can be achievedDramatic improvements can be achieved –As evidenced by SNAP programs in: ColoradoColorado NebraskaNebraska TennesseeTennessee However, different approaches have been used to implement BPRHowever, different approaches have been used to implement BPR Gets Results
Rapid Improvement Events/Kaizen BlitzRapid Improvement Events/Kaizen Blitz Shikumi/Value Stream AnalysisShikumi/Value Stream Analysis Training ProgramsTraining Programs BPR (Assessing/Planning/Piloting/Transitioning):BPR (Assessing/Planning/Piloting/Transitioning): Colorado – County focused initiativeColorado – County focused initiative Nebraska – State led initiativeNebraska – State led initiative Tennessee – Model Site initiative (State & County)Tennessee – Model Site initiative (State & County)Approaches
Short DurationShort Duration Smaller ScopeSmaller Scope Potential for Quick ResultsPotential for Quick Results Consultant LedConsultant Led Challenges:Challenges: –Sub-optimization –Sustainability of results –Instilling a culture of continuous improvement –Measure # of RIEs/Kaizens instead of the process improvements Rapid Improvement Events/Kaizen Blitz
Longer Duration & Larger ScopeLonger Duration & Larger Scope Blueprint for ImplementationBlueprint for Implementation Short-Term and Long-Term ImprovementsShort-Term and Long-Term Improvements Consultant LedConsultant Led Challenges:Challenges: –Continuous improvement of the results –Instilling a culture of continuous improvement Shikumi/Value Stream Analysis
Long DurationLong Duration Potential for development of internal capabilitiesPotential for development of internal capabilities External Organization Led – usually off-siteExternal Organization Led – usually off-site Challenges:Challenges: –Can be an extremely long program/process –Limited improvements/results initially –Can send wrong cultural signals –Sustainability of results –Measure # of trained instead of the results Training Programs
Long DurationLong Duration Large ScopeLarge Scope Very methodical with long-term resultsVery methodical with long-term results Consultant LedConsultant Led Challenges:Challenges: –Resource intensive –Early results and change can be a challenge –Sustainability of results –Instilling a culture of continuous improvement BPR (Assessing/Planning/Piloting/Transitioning)
Improve the timeliness and accuracy to the CitizenImprove the timeliness and accuracy to the Citizen Increase the efficiency of the entire processIncrease the efficiency of the entire process Make the work easier for the employeesMake the work easier for the employees Empower workersEmpower workers Free up resources to be able to provide other assistance or servicesFree up resources to be able to provide other assistance or services Get resultsGet results Create a culture of continuous improvementCreate a culture of continuous improvementGoals
It is a system and requires a total systematic approachIt is a system and requires a total systematic approach –Leadership Buy-in and Support –Employee Engagement and Empowerment –Develop Internal Capabilities Create and Instill a Culture of Continuous ImprovementCreate and Instill a Culture of Continuous Improvement It’s a System
Value Stream Analysis Training Program Kaizen Events Assessin g Planning Piloting Transitionin g Blended Solution
Value Stream Analysis Training Program Kaizen Events Assessin g Planning Piloting Transitionin g Blended Solution Internal Capabilities Leadership Support Employee Engagement Systematic Approach
A tailored approach for county administrationA tailored approach for county administration Increase timely SNAP application processing and benefit payment accuracy through process improvementIncrease timely SNAP application processing and benefit payment accuracy through process improvement Instill continuous improvement culture in each county and corresponding culture at the state levelInstill continuous improvement culture in each county and corresponding culture at the state level –Happier clients quickly receiving the right benefits in their time of need –Happier employees who can meet the needs of its clients through a better process and are given the tools to continuously improve it –Happier administrators (County, State and Federal) from consistent high performing results, satisfied clients and good stewards of taxpayer funds What Does This Mean for Colorado?
Questions and Answers
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