Cover Letter This year I have learned about the basics of science. I was able to obtain knowledge about the rock cycle, the ocean floor, and the periodic table. I also learned how to use my time wisely and to always be prepared for class. I like having the opportunity to choose what we want to research. For example the ocean animal lab. I don’t like how sometimes a unit we are learning is rushed. For example, I feel that we did minimal work with elements.
Skills and Effort Description On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best) rate yourself on your ability to complete all the assignments for class. Why? (things like, time spent on assignments outside of class, time and effort spent studying for quizzes/tests, etc.) I would give myself a five. I am able to complete every assignment on time. Sometimes I am even able to turn one in early for extra credit. I spend a lot of time outside of class trying to perfect any labs or homework that was given to us. I am able to be flexible with my schedule so I am not cramming on the last day to get any work done.
Skills and Effort Description On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best) rate yourself on your class time effort &positive contributions to class discussion(s). Why? I would give myself a two. I don’t typically participate in a class conversation but I make sure I am paying attention. Sometimes I will raise my hand but, it is very rare to see me engaging in the conversation.
Skills and Effort Description On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best) rate yourself on your ability to work with others in class. Why? I would give myself a five. If I am working with either a group or a partner I am able to elaborate on project we are working on. I make sure that when working with a partner we have similar ideas and interests so that we can work well together.
Skills and Effort Description On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best) Describe/list steps you will take to improve upon your performance for next quarter/year. Why? I would give myself a five. Next quarter I am devoted to becoming more organized. First I will categorize my paper into different tabs such as homework, tests, and labs. Next I will get rid of any papers I don’t need. Lastly I will continue to keep all my papers up to date.
Skills and Effort Description On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best) Has your performance in Science this year been improving, getting worse, or staying the same? Can you explain why this may be the case? I would give myself a four. This year I feel that I am retaining information easily. My love for the subject has grown. In the second quarter I started to perform poorly on one or two labs. This quarter I am on the track for improving my performance on labs