Welcome Good Evening, Welcome to back to school night. I am excited to see families that I know and excited to get to know families that I have not met yet. Have you had a child in 1 st grade before? I have had 4. Whether you have or have not we have many experiences ahead this year that we will share in. I am looking forward to all of them. Mr. Reed
Parent and Teacher These are my babies…
“Never worry alone” Communication is crucial for building relationships and supporting the kids learning. Please make sure you have an on file with the office for our system. I send weekly updates and reminders. Please communicate, often, early, whenever…. Follow along with us on Visit the web site often for news, updates and information
Responsive Classroom/Social Curriculum “Students must feel safe before learning can occur.” “Relationships govern behavior not rules” Social curriculum fosters community within our school and individual classrooms I strive to help students become strong people as well a strong learners
Technology I strive to use and introduce technology in meaningful ways to support learning. Children are growing up in a world in which they need to know how to use technology and be safe, responsible digital citizens. We work in closed environments. A few examples…using ipads and Book Creator to write and publish stories, using Twitter to connect with parents and other first grade classes to share in learning, Kidblog as a platform to share and communicate our thoughts, using Ipads and screencasting with Explain Everything to share our learning and knowledge.
Key Parts of the First Grade Curriculum
Word Sort Differentiated word study every day Focus on spelling patterns Each student works with a list that matches their needs and skills
Word Wall Words that students should be able to read and write, high frequency words Don’t always follow regular spelling rules Appear frequently in texts
Literacy – The Daily 5 When we are up and running 1 st graders will do something from each of 5 key literacy areas during literacy time each day The Daily 5 are…Reading, High Frequency Words, Work on Writing, Word Work, Reading Comp.
Reading Goal in 1st Grade is fluency AND comprehension Reading = reading words+comprehension We teach both reading and comprehension skills Reading Groups – word work and reading skills Differentiation
More Reading Goal of reading homework is practice and fluency. Books will be “easier” and students should not be stumbling over words. Enjoy it! Goal of in school reading is to push them to the next level and give them a challenge with guidance and explicit teaching of skills We use the Lexia reading program in school
Writing Workshop Students write in a variety of genres. (Personal Narrative, Opinion, Poetry, How To, Informational/All About, Persuasive) Each workshop we have a mini lesson (topic of the day). Could be introducing a genre, mechanics lesson, details, etc “Teach the writer, not the writing.” –Lucy Calkins
Math Everyday Math is the main component and it will be supplemented with other curriculum Differentiation – Much like reading with groups focusing on individuals skills We use a Daily 5 type format with math games, problem solving, work on explaining answers, facts practice all key parts
More Math Weekly homework starting soon Homework is intended as BRIEF review or preview Online resource Everyday Math Online, passwords will be sent home Using Dreambox in school
Social Studies Famous People Social Curriculum - Anti-Bullying, Responsive Classroom, Welcoming Schools Maps
Science Lessons in class and with specialist Weather STEM activities (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Habitats/Organisms Commitment to outdoor learning
Specials Science Art PE Music Tech/ Library (6 week rotation) Thursday!
Homework Read every day Math each week beginning soon. 10 minutes at most. No more than 20 minutes a night with reading PURPOSE - Homework is an opportunity to practice the routine and responsibility of having something to do each week and return it. That is the purpose in 1 st grade. It is not intended as a challenge since there is no opportunity to teach and follow up.
Apps and Programs We Use.. Book Creator Skitch Explain Everything Kidspiration Popplet Kidsblog, Lexia, Dreambox Kidsblog
Conference Days There are scheduled conference days and I will also offer a variety of times right before and right after school as my schedule allows. Sign will be done via . Dates… Wed. Oct 28 Wed. Nov 4 Thursday Nov 12 (Evening)