GRAD net – Collaboration Board 17 th June 2014 Peter McDonald Dawn Duke Pam Denicolo Working together to promote excellence in Physics
GRAD net Measures of Success Engagement Student Department Employer. 2. Establishment of GRADnet course programme. GRADnet Physics programmes delivered from September By Sept 2016 each node imports or exports at least 2 modules attended by at least 12 students. 3. Development of Professional Skills Training Programme. Programme in place by September At least 1 employer per institution engaged in skills training by September 2014; 2 by September Deliver industrial placements for postgraduate research students. Deliver industrial placements and other industry experiences eg (e)mentoring support, site visits, work shadowing, pitching to employers: 100% of SEPnet PhD students and 10% of all physics PGRs in 2014; 20% of all PGRs in 2015; 30% in 2016 Establish targets for in 2016.
GRAD net NPL Summer School: Modelling Today, Leading Tomorro Feedback and Lessons Learnt
GRAD net
Industrials and Activities Consultancy Challenge (Monday and Thursday) NPL Pentagon Plastics Selex ES Symetrica Modeling Workshops (Tuesday and Wednesday) Nuclear FutureAWE Big Data and Data Science in Social MediaStarcount Bridging Length ScalesRailtrack (*) Weather and Climate ModellingMet Office Optimisation through AnalysisRolls Royce Challenges in ModellingNPL Understanding our EarthAirbus Defence and Space Patterns and SecurityNPL Keynotes Jason Crain Janet Preston Martin Earwicker Jim Al'Khalili + Clare Harvey
GRAD net Feedback
GRAD net Quick lessons Students / colleagues want more upfront information Several industrial modeling workshop presenters over-ran and did not leave enough time for their activities (expressed fear of finishing early) Not all students took up the (paid for) accommodation 1 student thought they they had to take leave and did not come Slim line the grouping / preparing certificates process At least 2 industrials said it was worth participating if only 1 student subsequently phoned them; they enjoyed participating Diversity – women slightly over represented compared to cohort Have only 1 size of student posters. Food – coping with veggies etc Too may /diverse s
GRAD net Next schools Culham attended Monday; we expect that they will want to host the next School in January 2015 – expect decision in principle this week IBM possible hosts for June 2015 Embryonic discussion Winter Schools – focus on early PhD years / developing skills. Summer Schools – focus on later years and employment
GRAD net – up and coming Beta test of Discussion Board Delivery Introduction to Latex 4 th July via Video Conference Led by Paul Stevenson Surrey
GRAD net – up and coming “How to …” & “I wish I had known …” YouTube video-ettes / on line resources Student led but facilitated by the OU; Call for proposal coming mid-July for starts from Autumn. Benefits: Relevant training developed quickly Student teaching-prep and delivery experience Marketing OU students already making a PodCast of the NPL Summer School
GRAD net – up and coming Inaugural Meet the Employers: SME Queen Mary 2 nd September Targets QMUL, Sussex, Kent First PGR placement opportunity is announced (Veronica)
GRAD net – up and coming GRADnet Brochure / Posters / Scholarship recruitment Process
GRAD net Virtual Research Environment Modeled on the OU VRE
GRAD net VRE Comprehensive BrightOffice training and events database behind the VRE + user friendly front end Being Leased from BrightOffice
GRAD net VRE Currently.xls database collated by CSS Course Title Contact NameWhereResearch CategoryDate & Time 2014 Ran last year Can it be VC Quantum Field Theory (QFT) part I (20 hours) Southampt on Particle Physics Yes, Soton, RHUL, QMUL, Sussex,& RAL Quantum Field Theory (QFT) part II (20 hours) Southampt on Particle Physics Yes, Soton, RHUL, QMUL, Sussex,& RAL Quantum Field Theory (QFT) part III (20 hours) Southampt on Particle Physics Yes, Soton, RHUL, QMUL, Sussex,& RAL Standard Model (20 hours) Southampt on Particle Physics Yes, Soton, RHUL, QMUL, Sussex,& RAL Supersymmetry (20 hours) Southampt on Particle Physics Yes, Soton, RHUL, QMUL, Sussex,& RAL
GRAD net Video conferenced Physics Courses 5 hours a week for 25 weeks VC booked from Oct 14 – Jun 15 To be discussed by PGR-Dirs 18/6/14 Particle Physics already has a VC training activity Include ≈ 25 into these 125 hours Likewise Astro ≈ 25 into these 125 hours Condensed Matter – under discussion. 40 hours Experimental 5 ✕ 5=25 hours: Scattering; Nano; Optical; Soft; Microscopy Theory 3 ✕ 5=15 hours: Band structures; Soft; Optical/EM Discussion Board Starters and follow-ups: 15 hours Seminar series: 10 hours
GRAD netProfessional Skills Training To be discussed by PGR-Dirs 18/6/14 Workshops Introduction to GRADnet Roadshow (Sept/Oct/Nov) Once at each partner, but may also be VCed for those that miss it Effective Physics Researcher (Nov/Dec 2014) One, two-day course designed for first year PGRs. Physics with Impact (Jan/Feb 2015) One, one-day workshop, designed for PGRs in their second year and beyond. Back to Your Future (Mar/Apr 2015) One, one-day workshop will explore the different options open to doctoral researchers. Physics Leadership in Action (May 2015) One, two-day workshop. Weekend Writing Retreat (July 2015)
GRAD netProfessional Skills Training To be discussed by PGR-Dirs 18/6/14 Student led online material July 2014: Call for proposals for student led online material Sept/Oct 2014: Student training Oct/Nov/Dec 2014: students producing material Student led face-to-face workshops Feb 2015: Call for proposals for student led workshops Mar 2015: Student training May/Jun/July 2015: Concurrent students leading workshops :
GRAD netProblems / Issues / Threats Slow delivery of VRE / require final “tweaks” Further delays in getting BrightOffice on line. Students do not engage with the VRE PGR timetabling for taught Physics courses Staff engagement to teach courses flexibly and collaboratively OU and Herts without VC facilities Ongoing support for VC facilities / VC room availability Students / staff cannot discern “physics relevance” of skills training. Cannot generate enough PGR placements Costs to run the program become prohibitive Lack of an imminent EPSRC CDT call Lack of obvious EC partners for MC bid SEPnet Scholarships lack USP Getting alumni involved / tracking alumni Directorate: different visions / ways of working Directorate: too many / wrong kind of meetings HoDs / PGR Directors fail to agree / talk / engage
GRAD net Measures of Success Engagement Student Department Employer. 2. Establishment of GRADnet course programme. GRADnet Physics programmes delivered from September By Sept 2016 each node imports or exports at least 2 modules attended by at least 12 students. 3. Development of Professional Skills Training Programme. Programme in place by September At least 1 employer per institution engaged in skills training by September 2014; 2 by September Deliver industrial placements for postgraduate research students. Deliver industrial placements and other industry experiences eg (e)mentoring support, site visits, work shadowing, pitching to employers: 100% of SEPnet PhD students and 10% of all physics PGRs in 2014; 20% of all PGRs in 2015; 30% in 2016 Establish targets for in 2016.
GRAD net Working together to promote excellence in Physics