Common Core K-2 PTA Meeting Mary Mullennix,NBCT Kingsford Elementary School.


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Presentation transcript:

Common Core K-2 PTA Meeting Mary Mullennix,NBCT Kingsford Elementary School

I can you tonight’s presentation You can me at I will it to you.

How Do You Prepare Your Child? Reading Writing Speaking Listening Language

PARCC 3 rd Grade Assessment One section may have 7 items. They will read 2 different selections. 4 evidence-based selected responses 2 technology –enhanced constructed responses 1 Prose constructed response

Sample from “Eliza’s Cherry Tree- Japan’s Gift to America” You have read two texts about famous people in American history who solved a problem by working to make a change. Write an article for your school newsletter describing how Eliza and Carver faced challenges to change something in America.

Sample continued…. In our article, be sure to describe in detail why some solutions they tried worked and others did not. Tell how the challenges each one faced were the same and how they were different.


Craft and Structure What it means: The standards within this area focus on specifics within a book, for example, an author's specific word choices or phrases. A second emphasis relates to understanding the underlying structure of common types of texts, including storybooks, poems and more. How parents can help: During and after reading, call attention to interesting words and phrases. This may include repeated phrases, metaphors or idioms ("sick as a dog," "a dime a dozen.") Talk about any new vocabulary and other ways the author used language or words to make the text interesting, informative, funny or sad.

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas What it means: Within this strand, students will be working to compare and contrast details from stories, describe key ideas using details in informational text, and tell how two texts on the same topic differ. How parents can help: For younger students, encourage your child to describe how the illustrations within a book support the story. For older students, have fun reading different versions of the same fairy or folk tale. Talk about the similarities and differences between the two books. Then switch to nonfiction and read two books on the same topic. Compare the information in each, again focusing on similarities and differences. "Let's look at each book and think about the words used to describe weather. How are the descriptions alike? How are they different?"

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity What it means: Teachers will be using a variety of techniques to introduce a range of books and other written material that both support and challenge a child's reading level. This may include nonfiction and fiction, infographics, poetry and more. This will be done with the ultimate goal of making sure students understand what they're reading. How parents can help: Parents can help promote their child's skill while developing their reading stamina (ability to "stick with it."). This means helping them avoid frustration or anxiety about tackling a harder book. Support your reader by talking through some of the things that make a text complex, including multiple levels of meaning, inferred information (implied rather than clearly stated) or more sophisticated graphics.

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Read to your child and talk, talk talk! Your child reads then talks, talks talks! When reading a book: “What do you think might happen next?” “Does this remind you of anything from your life?” “Can you tell me about what you read today?” “Why did he/she act that way?”

Keep talking…… Ask??? When visiting an unfamiliar place: “How is __________ similar to/different from __________?” “Can you explain/show me that in another way?” When making an important decision: “How would you rank __________?” “How do you imagine __________ would look?” “What do you think a solution might be?” “Why did you decide to choose __________ over __________?”

Chapter Books Most want to read them and their goal is to be done. “See what I have read!” They are often unable to tell about main idea, character traits, events, details, beginning, middle and end. You must teach them the goal is not to be done but rather to be able to talk about it. Family Book Clubs- At Home Activity

Ideas for at Home ABC books- book cover and template available Comic strips Scrambled sentences using sentences from the story. Student created dictionary Diary or Journal

Questions… Remember when children are learning to read they must hear it, then read it and then write it. The skills will follow that progression.