National Institute of Food and Agriculture – NIFA ASAP Enrollment Process- From A Grantee Point of View by Eric D. Still-Branch Chief FMB1
ASAP Enrollment Process Background ASAP System: The purpose for moving to the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) from the legacy Payment Management System (PMS) was to be in compliance with OMB A-123 internal controls related to the monitoring and oversight of a $1.3B federal assistance program. In FY2010, NIFA rolled out ASAP to allow grantees to withdrawal federal funds. The Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) system is a payment system use to distribute grants throughout the United States. ASAP is a web-based electronic payment and information system developed by the Financial Management Services (FMS) under the Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. 2
ASAP Enrollment Process Background ASAP System cont: ASAP allows grantee institutions receiving federal grants to draw down funds from accounts pre-authorized by NIFA. ASAP receives payment requests and transmits payment to either the Federal Reserve Bank or the U.S. Treasury for deposit into the grantee’s bank account. NIFA has disbursed over $2.2B in federal assistance payments since FY
ASAP Enrollment Process FOD ASAP Award Letter : The ASAP award letter is ed to the AO (Authorized Official). This should be the same person identified on block 19 of the SF 424. The ASAP award letter includes the following information: The Award number XXXX Name of the Institution FOD ASAP customer service Treasury ASAP customer service information by Region 4
ASAP Enrollment Process Today’s Agenda: ASAP Award Letter 6 steps of the ASAP Enrollment Process Initiate Enrollment Point of Contact (POC)- names Organization Officials Head of the Organization- Approves Official Authorized Official-Defines Recipient Profile Authorizing Official-Defines Organizations Users Financial Official-Defines Banking information. 5
ASAP Enrollment Process NIFA\FOD Enrollment Initiator Identifies RO to be enrolled Point of Contact Verifies RO data is correct Identifies RO Officials Head of Organization Approves RO Officials Authorizing Official Verifies RO’s Data, Identifies & Maintains Users & Role(s) Financial Official Enters & Maintains Banking Information 6
ASAP Enrollment Process Background cont The Automated Standard Application System (ASAP) has a verification methodology where NEW grantees must complete the enrollment process before federal funds can be distributed. Using the DUNs (Duns and Bradstreet) and EIN(Employee Identification Number) as a unique combination verification tool, this data should agree with the information on the SF-424 submitted with the grant application through The Financial Operations Division of NIFA verifies the information for accuracy and starts the ASAP enrollment process. 7
ASAP Enrollment Process The Enrollment Initiator: The NIFA Financial Operations Division enters the DUNs (Dun and Bradstreet)/EIN (Employer Identification Number) that was included on the SF-424 identifying the type of organization (State, University, Non-Profit, For-Profit…), and identify the Point of Contact (POC) mailing address. Note: 1.Each role defined in ASAP will be allowed 45 days to complete their task. Treasury ASAP customer service representative will send remainders to take action on the 35 th day and 40 th day. On the 46 th day the system will delete the Recipient Organization (RO) enrollment if no action is taken. If any official defined during the RO enrollment does not complete their required tasks within the timeframe defined, it will result in the RO’s enrollment being deleted. 2.During the initial enrollment of a RO or when any official or user has been granted access to ASAP, that person must log in within 45 days or their access will be deleted by the ASAP application. 8
ASAP Enrollment Process Point of Contact- the person responsible for assigning individuals to the other identified roles. The Treasury ASAP customer service will notify the POC (recognized by NIFA as the Authorized Representative in Box 19 of the SF-424) that enrollment has been initiated. The application will generate an that will contain the User ID. The pin# or password will be sent via the US Postal service within four to seven days of the initial enrollment. We recommend the POC call the Treasury ASAP customer service unit (215) to ascertain a temporary pin # over the phone. This will expedite the enrollment process. The POC logs into ASAP using the User ID and Password. The POC will be prompt to answer a series of security authentication questions, and change the temporary password to a final password. The POC will be prompt by the ASAP system to verify the DUNs/EIN and their information that was entered by the NIFA\Financial Operations Division. Note: This should match what was submitted on the SF-424 with the grant application through 9
ASAP Enrollment Process Point of Contact cont: The POC will be required to Accept the POC for this RO (Recipient Organization). IF the POC accepts the role, they will be required to define the Officials for the RO (Recipient Organization) Officials that are required are the Head of Organization (HOO), Authorizing Official (AO) and Financial Official (FO). These roles must be maintained by the Recipient Organization (RO) users at all times. Access to ASAP can be maintained by the individuals logging in every 90 days. The POC is responsible for defining, modifying and or deleting officials for their RO. ASAP Treasury Customer Service Representative will notify the Head of Organization (HOO) that they have been granted access, and provide them via the User ID and send via regular mail their temporary password the day after the POC completed their task. 10
ASAP Enrollment Process Head of the Organization (HOO)- the person who has top management responsibilities within the recipient organization who approves the assignment of roles The HOO (will receive an from Treasury ASAP customer service unit identifying their User ID. The temporary password will be sent via US postal service. This may take up to 4 to 7 days to receive the pin. We recommend the HOO to call the Treasury ASAP customer service unit (215) to ascertain a temporary pin # over the phone. This will expedite the enrollment process. The HOO logs into ASAP using the User ID and Password. The HOO will be prompt to answer a series of security authentication questions, and change the temporary password. The HOO is responsible for approving officials Point of Contact (POC), Authorizing Officer (AO), Financial Official (FO) and Re-delegated Head of Organization (RHOO). Only the HOO can approve a Re-delegated Head of Organization. ASAP Treasury Customer Service Representative will notify the Authorizing Officer (AO), Financial Officer (FO), and any other official, that were defined, that they have been granted access, and provide them via the User ID, and send via regular mail, their temporary password, the day after the HOO approved their access. 11
ASAP Enrollment Process Authorizing Official (AO)- the person who will be responsible for the organizations profile data and identifying the individuals that will need access to ASAP account information. The AO (will receive an from Treasury ASAP customer service unit identifying their User ID. The temporary password will be sent via US postal service. This may take up to 4 to 7 days to receive the pin. We recommend the HOO to call the Treasury ASAP customer service unit (215) to ascertain a temporary pin # over the phone. This will expedite the enrollment process. The AO logs into ASAP using the User ID and Password. The AO will be prompt to answer a series of security authentication questions, and change the temporary password. The AO is responsible for first verifying the RO (Recipient Organization) profile is correct (DUNs/EIN, RO Name, and Type of Organization) and second to define the Payment Requestor and or Inquirer users. ASAP will notify the Payment Requestor and Inquirer, if define, that they have been granted access to ASAP, and provide them via the User ID, and send via regular mail, their temporary password, the day after the AO defines the users. 12
ASAP Enrollment Process Financial Official (FO)- the individual responsible for the organizations banking data. The FO (will receive an from Treasury ASAP customer service unit identifying their User ID. The temporary password will be sent via US postal service. This may take up to 4 to 7 days to receive the pin. We recommend the FO to call the Treasury ASAP customer service unit (215) and ascertain a temporary pin # over the phone. This will expedite the enrollment process. The FO logs into ASAP using the User ID and Password. The FO will be prompt to answer a series of security authentication questions, and change the temporary password. The FO is responsible for defining the bank data that the funds will be deposited into for this RO. If an ACH account is defined that account will not become active for seven (7) business days. If a FEDWIRE account is defined that account will not become active for three (3) business days. Once the FO receives the confirmation page for defining the banking data, the date the account becomes active will be displayed. 13
ASAP Enrollment Process Now You Are Enrolled in ASAP: what’s next! ASAP will notify NIFA\Financial Operations Division the next business day that the enrollment is completed. NIFA\ Financial Operations Division will create the RO (Recipient Organization) account in ASAP. NIFA\ Financial Operations Division should allow seven (7) business days to the date they received the notice that the enrollment is completed. The US Treasury requires this time to verify the bank information. Once the bank information is verified by the US Treasury, NIFA\ Financial Operations Division will authorize funding on the RO’s ASAP account. The NIFA-Certifying Officer will be required to wait until the bank account becomes active before funding can be certified. 14
15 FOD will “Show You The Money” ASAP Enrollment Process
Summary Today we have: Discussed the ASAP Award Letter Discussed SF-424 and the Authorized Representative How to obtain a ASAP User ID and password Discussed the 6 steps in the ASAP Enrollment process Defined the roles of each of the RO’s representatives 16
ASAP Enrollment Process Treasury ASAP customer service Regional Contact Information Hour of Operation M-F 7:30am to 4pm Time ZoneReginald Financial CenterContact Number EasternPhiladelphia(215) CentralKansas City(816) Mountain/PacificSan Francisco(510) Frequently Ask Questions: Categories: ASAP User ID and Password Set-up Bank Information Assist with Enrollment Set-up Payment Method 17
ASAP Enrollment Process Financial Operations Division ASAP Customer Service Telephone: Hour of Operation M-F 7:30am to 4pm Frequently Ask Questions: Categories: Payment Status Return Funds Re-Enrollment 18
Financial Operations Division Q/As 19