URBACT in a nutshell European Territorial Cooperation programme (ETC) co- financed by ERDF All 28 Member States as well as 2 Partner States (Switzerland and Norway) are eligible to participate Main objective: To promote integrated and sustainable urban development in European cities Managing Authority: France
URBACT III – 4 main objectives To improve the capacity of cities to manage sustainable urban policies and practices in an integrated and participative way To improve the design of integrated urban & sustainable strategies/ action plans in cities To improve the implementation of integrated urban & sustainable strategies/ action plans in cities To ensure that practitioners and decision makers at all levels have access to knowledge and share know-how on all aspects of sustainable urban development
3 main strands of activities TRANSNATIONAL EXCHANGE & LEARNING Allowing cities to share experiences/ problems/ solutions, learn from one another, identify good practices to design & implement integrated urban policies CAPACITY-BUILDING Enhancing the capacities of urban practitioners and policy-makers to develop integrated and participatory approaches to urban development CAPITALISATION DISSEMINATION Capitalising & disseminating urban knowledge, policy recommendations, good practices to a wider audience of policy-makers & practitioners NETWORKS TRAININGS KNOWLEDGE PLATFORM
3 types of networks proposed: Action Planning Networks Implementation Networks Transfer Networks URBACT III networks a diversified offer
Implementation networks Main purpose: To support cities in the implementation of integrated sustainable urban strategies or action plans. Expected outcomes: - Better implementation - Learning and recommendations for EU cities
Eligible beneficiaries Cities from EU 28, Norway & Switzerland including: o Cities, municipalities, towns without limit of size o Infra-municipal tiers of government o Metropolitan authorities & organized agglomerations having an integrated urban strategy or action plan addressing a policy challenge at local level AND secured funding to start the implementation of this strategy/ action plan within the lifetime of the URBACT network.
Main features > Call open 22 March - 22 June 2016 > Up to 15 Implementation Networks > Networks to last for 30 months (Phase 1: 6 months + Phase 2: 24 months) > Partnership A lead partner city 7 to 9 partner cities (from at least 3 different countries) Balance Less developed & More developed/ Transition regions: - min 3 partners from Less developed if 7 partners in total, - min 4 partners from Less developed if 8-9 partners in total > Thematic coverage Open to all 10 Thematic Objectives of the Cohesion Policy covered by URBACT A common Policy Issue addressed in partners’ strategies/ plans Identify implementation challenges
Thematic objectives 1. Strengthening research, technological development and innovation* 2. Enhancing access to, use and quality of information and communication technologies 3. Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs, 4. Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors* 5. Promoting climate change adaptation & risk prevention & Management 6. Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency* 7. Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures 8. Promoting employment and supporting labour mobility* 9. Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty* 10. Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning by developing educational infrastructure * 70% of the networking budget in URBACT III programme period (2014 – 2020) shall be dedicated to the highlighted Thematic objectives.
Implementation challenges Compulsory and optional challenges 1.Ensuring the integrated approach in the delivery of urban policies 2.Maintaining involvement of local stakeholders in the delivery stage 3.Setting up efficient indicators & monitoring systems to measure performance 4.Organising the “project pipeline” (calls for projects, selection criteria, supporting project delivery, etc.) 5.Organising decision-making, city services and staff for delivery 6.Moving from integrated urban strategy to operational action plans 7.Setting up Public Private Partnerships for delivery 8.Designing smart public procurement frameworks 9.Enhancing funding of urban policies by exploring financial innovation (urban development funds, crowd-funding, etc.) Networks to address all three compulsory challenges as well as minimum one optional challenge.
Budget & other resources TOTAL BUDGET : Euros (= ERDF + local contribution) o Less developed and Transition: 85% ERDF o More developed: 70% ERDF ADDITIONAL ENVELOPE FOR EXPERT SUPPORT up to euros/ network ONGOING SUPPORT by the URBACT Secretariat, Programme experts (tools, methods, training, etc.)
Implementation networks How to apply Life cycle of an URBACT network Application Procedure Preparing a bid
The two phases of an URBACT network Phase 1: a 6-month preparatory phase Up to € (from overall budget) 2 work packages: WP 1 Project management WP 2 Project development (building a baseline) Phase 2: 24-month operational phase 4 work packages WP1 Project management WP 2 Transnational exchange WP 3 Impact on local governance (partner level activities) WP 4 Communication and dissemination URBACT Local Group
Articulation between Transnational and local level Transnational Network Cities with common problems coming together to learn from one another and work together on implementation challenges City level Local Stakeholders working in partnership to co-produce Operational Implementation framework Policy Tools and solutions for enhanced implementation Knowledge Good practices, policy recommendations, etc. URBACT Funding Methods Expertise Capacity- building
Procedure A two-stage process Submission First proposal Eligibility check & Assessment Approval by MC & funding Eligibility check & Assessment Approval by MC & funding 6-month to develop Final proposal Submission of Final proposal 24 month to implement network activities and deliver Call for Proposals Eligibility check & Assessment Approval by MC & funding Eligibility check & Assessment Approval by MC & funding Proposed partnership with identified Common policy issue and Implementation challenges Confirmed partnership with complete network proposal !!!
Procedure Timeline Phase 1 & Phase 2
How to apply Thematic focus Choose a Topic or Policy issue: Identify Implementation Challenges: Where partners have an Integrated action plan with secured funding Related to one of the 10 ERDF Thematic objectives 3 Compulsory Optional 1 or more 1.Fostering the integrated approach 2.Involving local stakeholders 3.Measuring impact 4.Building the project pipeline 5.Organising decision-making for delivery 6.Moving from strategy to operational action-plan 7.Developing Public Private Partnerships 8.Setting up smart public procurement 9.Enhancing funding of urban development policies through financial innovation x 7-9 Partners
How to apply Guidance to prepare your project Preparation of the bid URBACT Guide to Implementation Networks Finding partners Online Market place – URBACT website Identifying an expert Online database of Validated URBACT Experts Online application form URBACT guide on SYNERGIE-CTE Other relevant information URBACT III Programme manual and factsheets Need to discuss project at national level ? National URBACT Points
URBACT Implementation networks call is open from 22 March to 22 June June: URBACT Implementation networks call ends Phase 1 applications due End June-October: Eligibility check and assessment 5 October: URBACT Monitoring Committee to decide on approved networks for Phase 1 Phase 1 = 6 months from October 2016 to April November: Kick-off meeting for approved Implementation networks April 2017: Phase 2 applications due April – June 2017: Eligibility check and assessment June 2017: URBACT Monitoring Committe to decide on approved networks for Phase 2 Phase 2= 24 months from June 2017 to June 2019 Milestones