Registering with the
Registration This guide is intended to ensure that you can submit your application accurately and speedily. As part of registering with the Institute for Learning (IfL) you are required to complete the following sections: →Personal details →Address →Qualification details →Employment details →Funding details. You will be able to partially complete the online application form and complete the remainder of it within 30 days by logging into our website with your username and password. You can see how much of the application form you have completed by viewing the percentage completed bar. This is displayed at the top of every page. Any field with an asterisk (*) next to it is mandatory and must be completed as part of the registration process.
Personal details Here you will be asked to set up login details as part of your registration. These details will allow you to return to an incomplete application form and, once your application is complete, log into My Pages. You will also need to enter your name, date of birth, gender, contact numbers and teaching status You must have an account unique to you to register with the IfL through our website
Personal details continued Here you will be asked to provide details about your teaching experience and whether you are currently studying towards a teaching qualification or are already qualified. The ‘Date Started Teaching’ field refers to when you initially began teaching in the learning & skills sector.
Welcome! Once you have submitted your personal details you will be created as a provisional member. A message will be sent to the address you registered with. This will contain a link which you need to click on to validate your address and activate your account. If you have not received this please contact the IfL by ing Click on Continue with your application to proceed
Address Here you will be asked to enter your address details. Enter your postcode and click on Find Address to locate your address. Please note: If you are an overseas registrant please enter your postcode but do not use the Find Address button. Complete the remaining address details.
Qualification details You will be asked to enter your Principal Teaching Qualification. This can be a completed qualification or one that you are working towards. Depending on the question you answered about your teaching status in the Personal Details section this page may be optional. You can enter additional qualifications in My Pages once you complete the application form. If this page is optional you can skip this section by clicking proceed straight to the next screen.
Employment details Here you will be asked to enter your Primary Teaching Employment details. This screen will be optional depending on the question you answered on your teaching status in the Personal Details section. You can enter additional employment details in My Pages once you complete the application form. If this screen is optional you can skip this section by clicking proceed straight to the next screen.
Funding details Here you will be asked to declare your funding status. This relates to whether the teaching you deliver is funded by the Learning and Skills Council. Choose the funding option which applies to you in order to proceed to the next stage. If you are unsure of your funding status please consult with your employer or contact the IfL.
Funding confirmation: funded If you declared that you are funded, you will be asked to confirm this here. You can either confirm you are funded or change you mind and decide you are not funded. If you declare you are not funded you will be redirected to payment options.
Funding confirmation: not funded If you declared you are not funded you will be asked to submit payment details. Choose one of the payment options to proceed If you choose to pay directly into IfL’s account or pay by cheque you will be able to print off an invoice. You also have the option to set up a Direct Debit.
Direct Debit Please confirm your eligibility to set up a Direct Debit instruction. If are not eligible to set up an online Direct Debit you have the option of making your payment by completing a hard copy instruction and sending this to the IfL membership team. Click the ‘Next’ button to continue.
Enter bank details Please enter a valid sort code, account number and account holders name to set up your Direct Debit. Click the ‘Next’ button to continue.
Confirm bank details Once you have submitted your bank details, confirm these details are correct by selecting Yes at the bottom of the screen. Otherwise choose No to enter these bank details again. Click the ‘Next’ button to continue.
Review screen Please take the opportunity to review your application. If you need to make any changes you can navigate back through your application using the buttons at the foot of the screen. Once you are happy with your application, please take the time to read the terms and conditions relating to membership of the Institute. Click ‘Finished’ to continue.
Congratulations You have now completed your application to join the IfL. If you chose to pay by cheque or directly into the IfL’s bank account please ensure that you print off your invoice and that any payments are made within 30 days. Before accessing the members’ area you must first respond to your activation in order to verify your address. Click on Continue to your Dashboard at the bottom of the screen to continue
Awaiting activation If you have not activated your account you will need to do so by logging into the account you registered with us and clicking on the link within the message. If you have not received this please contact the IfL by ing
Need More Information? If you require more assistance with the registration process you can contact us by: Telephone: