Project Presentation Prof. Domenico Cotroneo University of Napoli Federico II Napoli, 12th January 2010
N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 P ROJECT P RESENTATION [1] ::.. Project Summary Project Title: Critical Software Technology for an Evolutionary Partnership Project Acronym: CRITICAL STEP Grant Agreement no.: Funding scheme: Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) - FP7-PEOPLE-2008 Start date: 1 st December 2009 Project Duration: 48 months
N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 P ROJECT P RESENTATION [2] ::.. Project Participants NumberNameShort NameCounty 1 (coordinator) Consorzio Interuniver- sitario Nazionale per l’Informatica CINI/UoNItaly 2 Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia Universi- dade de Coimbra FCTUCPortugal 3 SESM S.c.a.r.l. SESMItaly 4 Critical Software SA CSWPortugal
N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 P ROJECT P RESENTATION [3] ::.. Project Objectives Critical Step aims at establishing the basis for a long term strategic research collaboration on the use of Off-The-Shelf (OTS) software components for the control of large-scale Safety-Critical Systems (SCSs). Partners will share and combine their knowledge to deal with the complexity of the next generation SCSs, resist market competition and win the challenge of developing new safe technologies and standards.
N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 P ROJECT P RESENTATION [4] ::.. Project Objectives (1/2) Scientific Objectives: Dependability of OTS-based SCSs through dependability measures and risk assessment; Robustness Evaluation of OTS components; Developing techniques for on-line monitoring and fault diagnosis.
N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 P ROJECT P RESENTATION [5] ::.. Project Objectives (2/2) Business Objectives: Developing industrial strategies and marketable tools for evaluating OTS components in SCSs; Realising appropriate mechanisms for on-line monitoring, diagnosis and dynamic reconfiguration of SCSs; Devising highly competitive, dependable, robust and certifiable safety critical software systems for both public and private end-users.
P ROJECT P RESENTATION [6] N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 ::.. Transfer of Knowledge (ToK) (1/3) The interaction between the partners is characterized by joint exchange of personnel and know-how in order to work in 2 Intersectorial TOK Research Teams. TOK team I (at CSW’s premises)TOK team II (at SESM’s premises) Group Leader (CSW)Dr. Nuno SilvaGroup Leader (SESM)Dr. Gabriella Carrozza Academic Supervisors (FCTUC) Prof. Henrique Madeira Prof Joao Duraes Academic Supervisors (CINI/UoN) Prof. Stefano Russo Prof. Domenico Cotroneo Visiting Professors (CINI/UoN) Prof. Stefano Russo Prof. Domenico Cotroneo Visiting Professors (FCTUC) Prof. Henrique Madeira Prof Joao Duraes Academic Members (CINI/UoN) Dr. Christian Esposito Dr. Catello di Martino Academic Members1 ER to be decided 1 ESR to be decided Recruited Researchers2 ER to be decidedRecruited Researchers1 ER to be decided CSW additional staff (funded + not funded) Dr. Ricardo Barbosa 1 ER to be appointed (or 1 ESR + 1 ER) SESM additional staff (funded + not funded) Dr. Massimo Loffreda 1 ER to be decided 1 ESR to be appointed TOT group I11TOT group II11
TOK team I (at CSW’s premises)TOK team II (at SESM’s premises) Group Leader (CSW)Dr. Nuno SilvaGroup Leader (SESM)Dr. Gabriella Carrozza Academic Supervisors (FCTUC) Prof. Henrique Madeira Prof Joao Duraes Academic Supervisors (CINI/UoN) Prof. Stefano Russo Prof. Domenico Cotroneo Visiting Professors (CINI/UoN) Prof. Stefano Russo Prof. Domenico Cotroneo Visiting Professors (FCTUC) Prof. Henrique Madeira Prof Joao Duraes Academic Members (CINI/UoN) Dr. Christian Esposito Dr. Catello di Martino Academic Members1 ER to be decided 1 ESR to be decided Recruited Researchers2 ER to be decidedRecruited Researchers1 ER to be decided CSW additional staff (funded + not funded) Dr. Ricardo Barbosa 1 ER to be appointed (or 1 ESR + 1 ER) SESM additional staff (funded + not funded) Dr. Massimo Loffreda 1 ER to be decided 1 ESR to be appointed TOT group I11TOT group II11 P ROJECT P RESENTATION [7] N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 ::.. Transfer of Knowledge (ToK) (2/3) The industrial partners will hire 3 Experienced Research to participate in the project: 2 for CSW and 1 for SESM.
P ROJECT P RESENTATION [8] N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 ::.. Transfer of Knowledge (ToK) (1/3) Recruited staff by CSW and SESM will fill their internal knowledge gap. Co.ProfileComplementary skills SESM 01Academic: he/she is fully graduated in Informatics or Computer Engineering and has PhD in Computer Science Engineering Knowledge on fault injection techniques and tools (SW and HW fault injection); Knowledge on on-line monitoring of embedded systems considering fault detection and characterization; Requirements: expert in CORBA and Data Distribution Systems. CSW 01Academic: the sought researcher is fully graduated in Informatics or Computer Engineering and has PhD in Computer Science Engineering Knowledge on on-line diagnosis of faulty software behaviors; Knowledge on dynamic system reconfiguration strategies (in the presence of faults); Knowledge on on-line monitoring of embedded systems considering fault detection and characterization; Knowledge on embedded system design and development. CSW 02Academic: the sought researcher is fully graduated in Informatics or Computer Engineering and has PhD in Computer Science Engineering Knowledge on failure mode identification and classification; Knowledge on fault injection techniques and tools (SW and HW fault injection); Knowledge on embedded system design and development.
P ROJECT P RESENTATION [9] N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 ::.. Recruitment Strategy 1.Advertisement: the three research vacancies will be published on the organization web site, disseminated in several universities and in Cordis website on the Marie Curie Portal; 2.Recruitment process: the recruitment process will follow three main steps: 1) on-line application form 2) CV evaluation with phone interview 3) final interview at the company; 3.Employment contract: after signing the contract between the coordinator and the European commission, the contract with the recruited experienced researcher will be signed.
P ROJECT P RESENTATION [10] N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 ::.. Project Implementation (1/2) The project will be implemented via secondment and recruitment of 182 RM in total: 72 RM for recruitment of 3 experienced researchers; 110 RM for secondments of 13 research fellows from the participating organizations.
P ROJECT P RESENTATION [11] N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 ::.. Project Implementation (2/2)
P ROJECT P RESENTATION [12] N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 ::.. Project Workflow (1/5) The workflow of the overall project is structured into four distinct phases: Management of the project
P ROJECT P RESENTATION [13] N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 ::.. Project Workflow (2/5) The workflow of the overall project is structured into four distinct phases: PHASE 1 –Recruitment –Competence Analysis Management of the project WP1 The consortium will carry out a competence analyses that will serve as a basis for the ToK Programme and the research setup.
P ROJECT P RESENTATION [14] N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 ::.. Project Workflow (3/5) The workflow of the overall project is structured into four distinct phases: PHASE 1PHASE 2 –Recruitment –Competence Analysis Qualitative evaluation of OTS software components Management of the project WP1 WP2 System requirements will be envisioned from industrial partners, and criteria for the qualitative evaluation of OTS items will be defined. Then, a classification of OTS items will be outlined.
P ROJECT P RESENTATION [15] N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 ::.. Project Workflow (4/5) The workflow of the overall project is structured into four distinct phases: PHASE 3 PHASE 1PHASE 2 Quantitative eval. of Robustness and Dependability Techniques for on-line fault diagnosis and reconfiguration –Recruitment –Competence Analysis Qualitative evaluation of OTS software components Management of the project WP1 WP2 WP4 WP3 Research activities on dependability and robustness evaluation methods will drive studies on on-line diagnosis and dynamic self-reconfiguration techniques and mechanisms.
P ROJECT P RESENTATION [16] N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 ::.. Project Workflow (5/5) The workflow of the overall project is structured into four distinct phases: PHASE 3PHASE 4 PHASE 1PHASE 2 Quantitative eval. of Robustness and Dependability Techniques for on-line fault diagnosis and reconfiguration Development and testing of prototype tools for evaluation of Robustness and Dependability –Recruitment –Competence Analysis Qualitative evaluation of OTS software components Management of the project WP1 WP2 WP4 WP3 WP5 Development and testing of tool prototypes will be carried out and proceed partly in parallel with the aforementioned research: each iteration passes through the design, implementation and testing phases of tool prototypes.
N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 P ROJECT P RESENTATION [17] ::.. Organization in WPs (1/6) WP1 Project Management Leaded by CINI/UoN WP1 is entirely devoted to project management, i.e., effective control of the project for ad- ministrative, orga- nisational and tech- nical co-ordination.
N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 P ROJECT P RESENTATION [18] ::.. Organization in WPs (2/6) WP1 Project Management Leaded by CINI/UoN WP2 Qualitative eval. of OTS items Leaded by CSW WP2 focus on defini- tion of metrics for the qualitative eva- luation of OTS items to be integrated in Large-scale Complex Critical Infrastruc-tures (LCCI) soft-ware.
N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 P ROJECT P RESENTATION [19] ::.. Organization in WPs (3/6) WP1 Project Management Leaded by CINI/UoN Input parameters for evaluation WP2 Qualitative eval. of OTS items Leaded by CSW WP3 Quantitative evaluation of robust. and depend. Leaded by FCTUC WP3 firstly focus on the quantitative eva- luation of system dependability. Then, it addresses the problem of enhanc- ing and adapting robustness evalua- tion techniques to make them suitable for LCCIs.
N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 P ROJECT P RESENTATION [20] ::.. Organization in WPs (4/6) WP1 Project Management Leaded by CINI/UoN Input parameters for evaluation Techniques WP2 Qualitative eval. of OTS items Leaded by CSW WP3 Quantitative evaluation of robust. and depend. Leaded by FCTUC WP4 Techniques for on-line fault diagnosis and dynamic reconfiguration Leaded by CINI/ UoN WP4 is completely devoted to diagno- sing software faults during system ope- rational phase by defining on-line dia- gnosis mechanisms for "just in time” fault treatment.
N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 P ROJECT P RESENTATION [21] ::.. Organization in WPs (5/6) WP1 Project Management Leaded by CINI/UoN Input parameters for evaluation Techniques and Mechanisms Results Techniques WP2 Qualitative eval. of OTS items Leaded by CSW WP5 Prototype tools design Leaded by SESM WP3 Quantitative evaluation of robust. and depend. Leaded by FCTUC WP4 Techniques for on-line fault diagnosis and dynamic reconfiguration Leaded by CINI/ UoN WP5 uses outcomes of WP3 and WP4 to to develop a set of engineering tools to master the comple- xity of developing LCCI software syste- ms with a pre- defined depend- ability level.
N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 P ROJECT P RESENTATION [22] ::.. Organization in WPs (6/6) WP1 Project Management Leaded by CINI/UoN Input parameters for evaluation Techniques and Mechanisms Results Techniques WP2 Qualitative eval. of OTS items Leaded by CSW WP5 Prototype tools design Leaded by SESM WP3 Quantitative evaluation of robust. and depend. Leaded by FCTUC WP4 Techniques for on-line fault diagnosis and dynamic reconfiguration Leaded by CINI/ UoN Five Work Packages (WP), each one leaded by one of the partners: WP1: CINI/UoN; WP2: CSW WP3: FCTUC WP4: CINI/UoN WP5: SESM
N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 P ROJECT P RESENTATION [23] ::.. Deliverables (1/3) WP L EADER TASKD ELIVERABLES M ONTH P ARTNER WP 1 P ROJECT M ANAGE - MENT CINI/UoN Prof. Stefano Russo T1.1 Scientific Management and Coordination Task Leader: ? Reports (as in EC contract) FCTUC CSW SESM T1.2 Continuous TOK and Dissemination Task Leader: Dr. Christian Esposito D1.1: Continuous TOKJan 2010 D1.2: Dissemination PlanMay 2010 D1.3: CRITICAL STEP web siteMar 2010 D1.4: Five TOK workshops realized (report)May 2012 D1.5: Final TOK workshop (report)Mar 2013 T1.3 Recruitment and competence analysis Task Leader: ? D1.6: Researchers RecruitedApr 2010 D1.7: TOK and staff exchange plans finalizedMay 2010 T1.4 Roadmap for future collaboration and R&D Task Leader: ? D1.8: Preliminary roadmap for collaboration and R&D and durable knowledge network (Preliminary collaboration plan) Nov 2011 D1.9: Final roadmap for future collaboration and R&D and durable knowledge network (definitive collaboration plan) Mar 2013 T1.5 Financial and Admini- strative Management Task Leader: ? Cost declarations and reports (as in EC contract)
N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 P ROJECT P RESENTATION [24] ::.. Deliverables (2/3) WP L EADER TASKD ELIVERABLES M ONTH P ARTNER WP 2 Q UALITATIVE EVALUATION OF OTS ITEMS CSW Dr. Nuno Silva T2.1 Criteria for qualitative evaluation Task Leader: ? D2.1: Requirements for OTS items evaluation (report) Jun 2010 CINI/UoN FCTUC D2.2: Progress report and theoretical frame-work on OTS items classification and selection Aug 2010 T2.2 OTS items classification and selection Task Leader: ? D2.3: Guidelines to support software engineers during the OTS selection phase (for dissemination purposes) Dec 2010 WP 3 Q UANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF R OBUSTNESS AND D EPEND - ABILITY FCTUC Prof. Henrique Madeira T3.1 Quantitative evaluation at component level Task Leader: ? D3.1: Quantitative methods for assessment of OTS software components Oct 2011 CINI/UoN CSW T3.2 Quantitative evaluation at system level Task Leader: ? D3.2: Quantitative methods and procedures for assessment of OTS-based software systems Feb 2012 T3.3 Quantitative evaluation at system interconnection level Task Leader: ?
N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 P ROJECT P RESENTATION [25] ::.. Deliverables (3/3) WP L EADER TASKD ELIVERABLES M ONTH P ARTNER WP 4 T ECHNIQUES FOR ON - LINE FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND DYNAMIC RECONFIGUR ATION CINI/UoN Prof. Domenico Cotroneo T4.1 Detection and location mechanisms for diagnosing software faults Task Leader: Dr. Christian Esposito D4.1: State-of-the-art on fault diagnosis mechanism (report) Nov 2011 FCTUC CSW T4.2 Fault treatment and dynamic reconfiguration techniques Task Leader: Dr. Catello di Martino D2.3: Guidelines to support software engineers during the OTS selection phase (for dissemination purposes) Mar 2012 WP 5 P ROTOTYPE TOOLS DESIGN SESM Dr. Gabriella Carrozza T5.1 Development of tools for evaluation of Dependability and Robustness Task Leader: ? D5.1: Requirements report for tool development Dec 2011 CINI/UoN CSW FCTUC D5.2: Prototype tools for dependability evaluation Jan 2012 D5.3: Cross validation report between the 2 development teams Feb 2012 T5.2 Definition of experimental scenarios Task Leader: ? D5.4: Experimental scenariosSep 2012 T5.3 Integration and testing Task Leader: ? D5.5: Testing and integration experimentsNov 2012
N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 P ROJECT P RESENTATION [26] ::.. Milestones M ILESTONE M ONTH D ESCRIPTION M0Kick-off Meeting Jan 2010Initial meeting to set up and agree on a TOK plan. M1TOK Workshop IMar 2010Start-Up Transfer of Knowledge workshop M2RecruitmentApr 2010The partners will select high quality Experienced Researchers to support the research. M3Detailed TOK plan and Preliminary R&D roadmap May 2010Inventory of available knowledge. Analysis of new competences and detailed TOK plan. M4OTS classification and selection criteria Dec 2010Theoretical framework for OTS items classification and selection finalised M5TOK Workshop IIDec 2010TOK on OTS Selection and evaluation methods for SCSs M6TOK Workshop IIIJan 2011Mid-Term TOK: Building synergies on fault identification, location and characterisation. M7TOK Workshop IVNov 2011Requirements for tool development and system reconfiguration M8Quantitative evaluation mechanisms and techniques Feb 2012 Assessment techniques and procedure for OTS software at component, system and interconnection level defined M9On-line fault diagnosisMar 2012Knowledge gained on fault diagnosis mechanism and on-line diagnosis techniques M10TOK Workshop VMay 2012Cross validation between the development teams at CSW/SESM M11Prototype tools Nov 2012 Prototype tools for dependability and robustness evaluation, and for on-line fault diagnosis and reconfiguration M12Final TOK WorkshopMar day long final workshop open to 50 external researchers (both industry and academia) M13Final roadmap for future collaboration and R&D Mar 2013Definition of a long lasting co-operative relationship between the partners.
P ROJECT P RESENTATION [27] N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 ::.. Gantt Diagram of the Project
P ROJECT P RESENTATION [28] N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 ::.. Project Meetings (1/2) MEETINGMONTHTITLEFOCUSORG. BYINPUT FROM - TO IMar 2010 Start-Up TOKAll WP’s: Create common knowledge base; Presentations of core knowledge of all partners; Fine-tune individual research projects. CSW Coimbra All partners to all partners IIDec 2010 OTS Selection and evaluation methods for Safety Critical Systems WP 2 TOK on quality criteria related to selection of OTS items; Qualitative evaluation of OTS items. FCTUC Coimbra from CSW and FCTUC (WP 2) to SESM and CINI/UoN IIIJun 2011 Mid-Term TOK: Building synergies on fault identi- fication, location and characte- rization WP 3 and 4: Integration and synergies among fault injection, dependability and robustness and fault characterization; State-of-the-art on Existing fault diagnosis techniques. CINI/UoN Naples Joint evaluation of synergies and interaction between WP 3 and 4 IVNov 2011 Requirements for tool development and system reconfiguration WP 3, 4 vs WP 5: Tools for fault injection and SCS systems evaluation techniques; Tools for SCSs systems evaluation; Tools for online monitoring and fault identification; Software development and test scenarios. SESM Naples from FCTUC (fault characterization) and CINI (diagno- sis and reconfigu- ration) to SESM / CSW for SW development
P ROJECT P RESENTATION [29] N APOLI, 12 TH J ANUARY 2010 ::.. Project Meetings (2/2) MEETINGMONTHTITLEFOCUSORG. BYINPUT FROM - TO VMay 2012 Cross validation tool development WP 5: Analysis of preliminary results on tools development; Integration plan. CSW Coimbra Cross validation between the two development teams at CSW and SESM WORKSHOPMONTHTITLEFOCUSORG. BYINPUT FROM - TO IJan 2013 Final TOK workshop - Final validation and dissemination (2-day workshop) WP 5 Validation final (test) results of both groups and dissemination; Roadmap for future R&D challenges and collaboration. SESM Naples TOK of gained know- ledge to 50 external resear-chers (both indu-stry and academia)